Year 3 Home Learning
Dear Parents,
Here is this term's programme of Home Learning for Year 3 for anyone having to isolate. There are both shorter ongoing activities to do every day and specific lessons relating to the work this term.
Many thanks,
Mrs Laver
Mrs Lee
Activities to do at home: February 2022
Work at as many of the ongoing activities as you can.
In addition:
- We are going to be investigating the River Thames next term as part of our Local Geography topic. Please research some information online to support your learning next term.
(Don't forget your holiday homework!)
Ongoing Activities
Reading: Try and read every day. You should have your own reading book but remember that ALL reading helps - magazines, articles, comics etc. Include both reading by the child to the adult and by the adult to the child.
Times Table Practise: Practise x2s, x10s and x5s (from Year 2) and x4s, x8s and x3s for Year 3.
Test in a random order not just from the beginning. Remember that in Year 4, you will need to learn the rest.
General Maths Practise: Online options include Sumdog and Topmarks (search for Maths topics).
Handwriting: Print off these sheets or use lined paper. Remember to write a line of each word carefully and use cursive (joined up) writing.
There are also further sites to support Home Learning on the Home Learning tab of the school website.
ISOLATION WORK for June-July 2021
This work is provided for anyone that needs to isolate during Term 6.
[Suggested 4-5 lessons per week]
Multiplication and Division
We are recapping Multiplication and Division then extending the learning. With lockdown both in this year and last, the children are all at very different stages. If your child is still working on their x2, x10 or x5 tables from Year 2, start with this unit on Oak Academy then follow it with any other multiplication and division units in that Year which your child may need to work through
Then Proceed to this unit and work through each of the lessons.
[Suggested 3-4 lessons per week - some lessons are longer than others]
Picture Books and Film
This term in class, we are exploring the telling of stories through picture books and film.
Book: Voices in the Park by Anthony Browne
This is a simple story with lots of meaning behind the words and hidden in the pictures. Each of the characters is different but each tells their version of a story. Learn the story by watching the spoken version
Lesson 1: Characters
Write down the 4 main characters and how they are related to each other so that you are clear. Then create a spider diagram for one of the main characters in the book just like we have done at school. Use your diagram to add as many interesting adjectives about your character as you can. What do they look or act like? How are they feeling?
Underneath, write some sentences describing why you have chosen some of your adjectives. (I know that Smudge is friendly because....).
Differentiated option: Discuss with an adult why you have made your word choices. They could add notes underneath your spider diagram.
Lesson 2: Use of Images
What could the themes or main ideas of the book be? Now we are going to examine the pictures more closely to see what they are telling us. Go through the pictures in the story again. Think and talk about the colours and backgrounds as well as every detail of the pictures that you can see.
Differentiated option: Use the table to add words or phrases rather than full sentences.
Lesson 3: Diary Entry
Write a diary entry.
Differentiated option: Work with an adult to each write alternate sentences for your diary entry. OR record yourself talking about your day as one of the characters. Try to use the features of a diary entry.
Lesson 4: Create a Surreal Poem
Write a surreal poem. Watch the video: The Tate: What is surrealism?
Extension: Platon Yurich is a Russian photographer who creates surreal images with photos of humans and nature. Go to Surrealism Photos to see some of his work. Do you like the images? How do they make you feel?
Short Film: Catch It!
Lesson 5: Creating Speech
From the title, guess what might the film be about. Think of some ideas. Then watch the complete film on Literacy Shed Catch It or YouTube Catch It. Were you close with your ideas? (It was tricky to predict!)
You are going to add speech to parts of the film.
Differentiated option: Role play with an adult and pretend you are the characters involved. What might you say? How might you say it? Could you write a couple of lines?
Short Film: Taking Flight
Lesson 6: Tracking Feelings
NOTE: On first viewing, you will need to pause the film a couple of times.
first, then begin watching Taking Flight or Taking Flight YouTube.
Lesson 7: Describing a scene with prepositions
1) You are going to use both adjectives and prepositions to describe Grandpa Nono's garage.
For a quick reminder on what a preposition is, watch Prepositions.
2) Word families. As we have discussed, word families are groups of words that all have the same root word. (So the root word "happy" has "unhappy" and "happiness" in the same word family). Think of all the words you can with the root word "care". Include nouns as well as adjectives. (There are at least two job titles with "care" in the title). If you want to do more, think of groups of word families for the words "play" and "like".
Lesson 8: To write a short, exciting adventure story.
Here is your chance to write your own adventure story!
Differentiated option. Think about your story and tell an adult the basic storyline. Now choose whether to write the beginning, middle or end.
Book: "Gorilla" by Anthony Browne
Then watch it on Gorilla aloud.
Lesson 9: Inference Comprehension
Talk through and discuss:
- How the author has used pictures this time
- How the author has built excitement in the story
1) Write a few sentences about what you like and dislike about the story or discuss with an adult.
This is not about remembering facts but thinking about what is going on behind the words. The pictures will help you. Discuss your ideas as you are going through it.
Differentiated option: Specifically write the answers rather than complete sentences.
Lesson 10: Pronouns
Why does this sound strange? Does it repeat certain words? What could we do to get rid of all the Hannahs?
2) Go through the text again and try putting in "she" instead of some of the "Hannah"s. What about the "her father" on the final line. What could we use instead?
Pronouns are words we use to replace a noun rather than repeat it.
This time, identify and underline all the pronouns in the text. Answers are on the second page so check when you've finished.
Lesson 11 Write an Animal Adventure
You have used story mountains many times before to plan your stories in sections.
Your task is to write your own animal adventure.
Differentiated option: Build an oral story with an adult. (You could still use the planning template). Try telling your story to someone else. Remember to try to use interesting adjectives and verbs and tell your story with expression.
Lesson 12: Improving a sentence
This lesson allows you to practise building more interesting sentences, step by step.
[Suggested 1 lesson per week]
Light: Extra Lessons
Access the Oak Academy unit on Light and work through the following lessons:
- What is refraction and how can we use it?
- How do we see light?
- Where do different colours come from?
- What are some uses of light?
Year 3 Term 4 March-April ISOLATION WORK
Ongoing Activities
Reading: Try and read every day. Use your logon to access Reading Buddy and try and complete two quizzes a week OR use other reading material from home - books, magazines or anything. Remember to fill in the weekly record sheet on Seesaw.
Times Table Practise: Practise x2s, x10s and x5s (from Year 2) and x4s, x8s and x3s for Year 3.
General Maths Practise: Online options include Sumdog and Topmarks (search for Maths topics).
Handwriting: Print off these sheets or use lined paper. Remember to write a line of each word carefully and use cursive (joined up) writing.
There are also further sites to support Home Learning on the Home Learning tab of the school website.
ISOLATION WORK for March-April 2021
This work is provided for anyone that needs to isolate during Term 4.
This term we are doing multiplication of 2 digit by 1 digit numbers. Oak academy have a unit on deriving multiplication and division facts. Please work through them at your own pace.
Lesson 2,3 and 8 are particularly relevant to current learning.
Lesson 1: Reading Comprehension - How Weeds Get Everywhere
This comprehension ties in with our Plants topic for this term. As usual, although there is a 1 star version, we think everyone should be attempting the 2 star or 3 star version of the text with corresponding questions and answers. The text gets more difficult depending on the star (3 star is the most difficult). Answers are provided.
Further Lessons: Instruction Writing
We are continuing with Instruction Writing this term. Oak Academy have a unit on Writing Instructions for a Monster Pizza. Begin with Lesson 1 as a recap then continue with Lessons 4,6,8 and 9. Here is the link:
Writing Instructions for a Monster Pizza
These lessons are part of this term’s Science topic of plants. Both lessons are from Oak Academy online lessons.
Reproductive Cycles. Lesson One Why do plants have flowers?
Reproductive Cycles Lesson 6 How do lifecycles compare across the animal kingdom?
This is a mini project based stand-alone lesson. It is to show the comparison between the life cycle of a plant and animals.
Local History
We are studying castles and in particular Windsor Castle and how it has changed over the centuries. Choose a different castle in England (it could be your house castle if you are not in Windsor house) and create either a slide show OR a fact file about your chosen castle. Include as many different facts as you can and remember to split up the information in different subheadings. You can add as many pictures and diagrams as you like.
Lessons for Week Beginning 01.03.2021
Suggested Timetable
If your child needs consolidation on last week's objectives, then please continue to use the online games suggested and by continued practise with a clock face. Then you can move onto this week's work.
Lesson 1: Telling the Exact Time past the Hour
Lesson 2: Telling the Exact Time to the Hour
Lesson 3: Measuring Time in Seconds
Lesson 4: 24-Hour clock
Instruction Writing
Lesson 1: Instructions to make a jam sandwich
Today you are going to tell someone how to make a jam sandwich. Not everyone's needs to be the same. Use your own judgement, for example, to decide whether to add butter or spread to your sandwich.
3) Write up your instructions neatly in your Home Learning book, checking again against the Objectives as you do so.
4) Finally, get an adult in your house to make your jam sandwich EXACTLY AS YOU DESCRIBED. This is the real way to test how good your instructions. Get them to give you some feedback.
Lesson 2: Verbal Instructions.
Although these were written, they may give you a clue as to how to manage the next task...
2) First, you need a partner with a piece of blank paper and a pencil. You are going to give them a series of verbal instructions.
Make sure you know how to scroll and find the pictures without your partner seeing them. You just need to use one of them.
4) Most importantly, when you are finished, compare the drawing with the original picture and have a discussion with your partner about what went well/not so well. How could you have improved the instructions you were giving?
Lesson 3: Reading Comprehension - Mexican Bean Burger Recipe.
This week's comprehension focuses on a set of instructions. As usual, although there is a 1 star version, we think everyone should be attempting the 2 star or 3 star version of the text with corresponding questions and answers. The text gets more difficult depending on the star (3 star is the most difficult). Answers are provided.
Lesson 4: WORLD BOOK DAY!!
As today is World Book Day, you can use today's Literacy slot to go onto Seesaw or onto the school website (under home Learning) and do some of the many activities listed.
There are only 4 Literacy lessons this week because we want to start the Instruction Writing project when we are back at school on 8th March, rather than beginning it at home.
Learning Objective: To name the main parts of a flowering plant and know their function.
Life cycle of a Flowering Plant
2) There are two optional experiments at the end to try at home if wanted. We will also complete one at school so not to worry if this is not completed.
Local History
Early Buildings in Windsor
1) We are going to think about Windsor at around the time the castle was first being built, nearly 1000 years ago.
2) Do some research to find out more about the history of the church. Ask an adult to help you read through some of the history section. Write a paragraph about some of the facts you have learned.
3) Before we focus specifically on Windsor Castle, we are going to recap castle defences and add more detail to what you already know.
Easter - Forgiveness
This week in RE, we are learning about the start of Easter week or Holy week, starting with Palm Sunday. Here is the presentation.
There are three activities to choose from to consolidate your learning:
Optional Lesson: Make a Natural Sculpture
Andrew Goldsworthy is a British sculptor, photographer and environmentalist. To get ideas about how you might be able to make your own natural sculpture in the park, garden or anywhere outside, look at a snapshot of his work on AG page or watch Andrew Goldsworthy. You could think about using the seeds and flowers we are studying this term or use other natural materials. Upload your creations to Seesaw.
Lessons for Week Beginning 22.02.2021
Suggested Timetable
This is Week 1 of a 2 Week block on Time. We begin by revisiting some of the year 2 targets so please work at your own pace.
Lesson 1: O' clock and half past
Slide 2 gives you a link to an online clock as well as making your own clock. You will need to access one of these to give practical examples in your learning. There is also a link to a game which gives you more practise on telling the time.
Lesson 2: Quarter past and quarter to
Lesson 3: Telling the time to 5 minutes
Lesson 4: Duration of Time
Instruction Writing
Lesson 1: Introduction to Instruction Writing.
2) Are there any examples of instructions at home, in a board game for example? Have a look and see how many of the features you learned about are included in the examples you find. (You don't need to post anything for this)
Lesson 2: Imperative Verbs
1) Either before or after completing the rest of the lesson, try and find someone to play Simon Says with. You are using Imperative Verbs!
Lesson 3: Untangling Instructions
1) Have fun watching this video on Instruction Writing!
Lesson 4: Reading Comprehension
This week's comprehension focuses on Joe Biden, the new President of the USA. As usual, although there is a 1 star version, we think everyone should be attempting the 2 star or 3 star version of the text with corresponding questions and answers. The text gets more difficult depending on the star (3 star is the most difficult). Answers are provided.
There are only 4 Literacy lessons this week and next week because we want to start the Instruction Writing project when we are back at school on 8th March, rather than beginning it at home.
Learning Objective: To name the main parts of a flowering plant and know their function.
This is mainly a recap of Year 2 so go at your own pace.
2) In your Home Learning books, complete a diagram including the four main parts of a flowering plant and label with at least 2 functions for each part. Remember to add a title and use a ruler.
For next week’s lesson, an optional experiment needs seeds. Dependent on the news announcement on Monday we may do this later at school. This is just in case home learning is set to continue. They are optional experiments but were completed by a large number of children last year. Briefly the question being posed is: Can plants grow using different liquids other than water?
This is meant to be fun so don't worry if you don't know many of them. The answers are included - you may find some surprising!
2) We are going to learn about something called the Census.
3) When you have read and understood the facts, write a paragraph about it. You could include:
- What a census is and how it started
- What sort of information is counted and how that has changed over time.
Think about what is different compared to today.
Easter - Forgiveness
Enquiry question: What is "good" about Good Friday. In the first lesson, we are looking at how we could "save the day" the way Jesus did.
We are very lucky to have lots of people around us to keep us safe, not just during lockdown, but at any time.
how you keep safe, who helps you to keep safe and how you can keep yourself safe.
OR you can fill in the template directly on Seesaw.
Lessons for Week Beginning 08.02.2021
Suggested Timetable
Lesson 1: Bar Charts
Lesson 2: Interpreting Bar Charts
Lesson 3: Introducing Tables
Only complete the 2 challenges if you have time and feel confident. The answers are on the Power point.
Lesson 4: Interpreting Tables
Only complete the 2 challenges if you have time and feel confident. The answers on the Power point.
Myth and Legends
Lesson 1 : A letter to Robin Hood
Your task is to write a letter to Robin Hood to try and persuade him that you should join his band of Merry Men.
Lesson 2: A Myths and Legend poem
Lesson 3: Recap prepositions
Remind yourself what prepositions are by listening to The Prepositions song!
Now imagine that you are going to design your ideal bedroom. Using sentences, write down a description of your new bedroom using as many prepositions as you can. Think about every detail!
Lesson 4: Reading Comprehension
Lesson 5: Celebrating Pancake Day!
As a final lesson for this term, we are exploring Pancake Day (which is next Tuesday!). Do some research on Pancake Day around the world and produce a piece in information text with a main heading and at least 4 subheadings (4 different countries).
Animals Including Humans
National Curriculum Objectives
· identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
· identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Lesson: Mighty Muscles
This week, we are looking at how muscles work to allow movement and maintain posture. There is also a practical investigation to see whether people who do more sport have stronger muscles.
The Romans: Roman Numerals
To get an understanding of how the Roman number system worked,
Then complete the Roman Numerals activities on Seesaw.
Miracles: Jesus turns water into wine
1) Watch this video from 2:1-11 about Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana.
Do you think Jesus could really turn water into wine or is there another explanation?
Caring for those around us
Are you kind to the people around you? It's always good to remind ourselves to care for family and friends around us and think about how they might be feeling, especially if they are having a hard time at the moment. Watch The Invisible Boy and think about how you could make an effort to be a more caring member of your family this week.
Roman Cookery
The Romans were very fond of honey and used it widely, not only in food but also healing and cosmetics. They also used it for alcoholic drinks.
Draw a Dragon!
Following on from our George and the Dragon writing, perhaps you would like to learn how to draw a dragon? Click here for a video lesson. Pause the video as you need to. Have Fun!
What is your Name?
Learn to ask what someone's name is in French by working through this Power point. Practise your pronunciation a few times so that you get used to saying the words.
Use the words you've learnt to join in with more of the Meet and Greet song.
Lessons for Week Beginning 01.02.2021
Suggested Timetable
Lesson 1: Tally Chart recap
Then complete the activities and upload to Seesaw. The challenge will be built upon during each lesson so please complete where possible.
Lesson 2: Draw Pictograms
Lesson 3: Interpret Pictograms
Lesson 4: Problem-Solving Pictograms
Myth and Legends
Lesson 1 Pronouns
Look at the nouns that have been underlined in the writing. You need to rewrite this version replacing each underlined word with a pronoun.
Lesson 2
To practise your use of pronouns from yesterday, complete this task.
Watch the Disney clip from The Sword in the Stone (refer to the story yesterday if you are not sure what's happening) then use your story knowledge to write out the sentences from this sheet, this time turning the pronouns into nouns.
(This is a Year 2 target but the majority of the classes are not applying this rule when writing)
Lesson 3
Today we return to George and the Dragon. This time we are reading a version full of wonderful description and action. As you read it, think about how the author has brought the story to life. Think about which words are your favourites.
Go to Seesaw and complete the George and the Dragon activity.
Lesson 4
Today we are going to write an alternative story ending. This means that using the same characters, you are going to write a different ending for the story of George and the Dragon.
Aim to complete the planning sheet and start your story today then complete the story tomorrow.
Lesson 5
Complete your story.
Animals Including Humans
National Curriculum Objectives
· identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
· identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Skeletons Lesson (2)
This week we are looking at skeletons of a variety of animals, and classifying them into endo, exo and hydrostatic skeletons.
The Romans: Roman Entertainment Part 2
This week we look at the Gladiators and the Colosseum.
Work through the Power point and on the last slide, take a trip to the Colosseum!
For your activity this week, do some research on the different types of gladiators and what their skills and equipment were. Write up your research and add any pictures or drawings you choose.
Miracles: Jesus feeds the 5000
1) Watch this short video on Jesus Feeds the 5000 from John 6:5-13
Here are some optional activities you might wish to do and upload to SeeSaw
b) Using this puppet sheet, produce a performance of Jesus feeds the 5000 and video it / send in a photo.
c) Follow this recipe with an adult at home to make your own no-knead bread.
Running out of new things to do? Good news - it's Indoor Scavenger Hunt time!! Look on Seesaw for more details.
How are You?
Practise your pronunciation a few times so that you get used to saying the words.
Use the words you've learnt to join in with more of the Meet and Greet song.
Lessons for Week Beginning 25.01.2021
Lesson 1: Measuring in centimetres
Lesson 2: Measuring in metres and centimetres
Lesson 3: Converting centimetres and metre
Lesson 4: Metres and Kilometres
Myth and Legends
This week we are focusing on the legend of The Sword in the Stone.
Lesson 1 Word Definitions
Briefly discuss what you liked or disliked about the story. Then discuss the setting (where was the story set?) and who the main characters were.
2) Read The Sword in the Stone version 1 on the following 2 pages of the same document.
3) Look at the Word Lists on page 5. Try to read these words aloud - ask an adult to help if you need to. These are some of the words you might find in stories about Arthur. You may not know what they mean.
Pick six of the words you are not sure about and use a dictionary to find the meanings or definitions of these words. You could use a book dictionary or an online dictionary. When you know the meanings, make a pictionary dictionary in your home learning book or on a separate piece of paper. To do this, simply draw a picture to show the word and write what it means. Use your own words.
Lesson 2 Comprehension
Think about your answers then write them carefully IN SENTENCES using capital letters and full stops. Remember to read through your answers when you've finished to check that they make sense.
Lesson 3 Telling the story
How is it different from the other versions you have read? Which of the three do you prefer? Why? Write a paragraph giving your opinion and reasons for it.
2) Make some short notes that might help you tell the story of The Sword in the Stone. You don't have to write in sentences, they are for your use only. See whether you can tell the story out loud - practise a few times then try to tell the story without notes. If you can, make a recording of you telling the story and upload it to Seesaw. Remember to use a slow voice that is loud and clear.
Lesson 4 Direct Speech
1) Today you are going to write some speech for part of the Sword in the Stone legend. You have a choice of scenes for which to write your speech.
The second slide gives you the scene choices.
2) Plan out the speech in rough first so that you can change and improve it. You could also get an adult to act out the scene with you. Remember how the characters would be feeling when they are saying the words and think of some verbs for "said" that show this. Remember to include powerful words to make the speech interesting.
Begin the speech with a sentence to set the scene (such as: Merlin rushed quickly into the room.) before you finally write it out.
Lesson 5 Characters
Can you spot Arthur, Merlin and Morgan le Fay from what you know? Say what you think they are thinking.
2) Read the The Coronation on page 2. What have you learnt about Arthur from this piece of writing?
3) Look at the Character Pictures on page 3. Pick 2 of the characters and make notes about what you have learnt about them so far. Then write a paragraph describing your characters - include sentences about the character's appearance, their personality, their relationship to others in the story, their situation and how their feelings might change during the story. You can add your own picture if you want to.
Remember to write in sentences.
Animals Including Humans
National Curriculum Objectives
· identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
· identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Skeletons Lesson
This week we are looking at the 3 main functions of a skeleton in humans and animals.
Part 1 is to be completed in your home learning book. Part 2 labelling a skeleton can be completed on Seesaw or in your books if you have a printer facility or want to draw your own skeleton.
The Romans: Roman Entertainment Part 1
Today we are going to write about one form of entertainment: Chariot Racing.
2) Watch the clip is from the film Ben Hur which is fictional but shows the opening ceremony would have been like.
3) Watch the beginning of the race (watch the first 30 seconds only)
4) Watch this BBC clip about the Roman Chester festival
5) Pretend you are a Roman Charioteer. Write about what it must have been like to ride in a chariot and race. Start with the opening ceremony then write about the race itself. Describe the chariot and outfit. Use all of your senses to describe the sights and sounds. How do you feel? What makes a successful race?
Miracles: Jesus heals a paralysed man
1) Click on this link to watch the story.
Heart Map
Let us know what makes you happy - complete the Heart Map activity on Seesaw!
Roman Catapults!
making your own catapult just like the Romans would have used on the battlefield. We look forward to seeing your creations on Seesaw.
Lessons for Week Beginning 18.01.2021
This week, we are comparing fractions and calculating a fraction of a set of objects. (Some children may not be ready for this so continue at your child's pace)
Usually, we would do lots of practical work to support this learning, such as getting strips of paper and asking the children to divide this 1 whole into 1/2s, 1/4s and 1/8ths. Even numbers are easier to do this way - for odd numbers such as 1/5, you may need a ruler.
Here is a fraction wall, which you can cut up if necessary to consolidate learning for adding and subtracting fractions in a practical way.
There was also a brief mention of equivalent fractions on one of the worksheets. We will be covering this in class on our return to school. However, here is a short video using lego to show how equivalent (meaning the same) fractions work. This is another way to use the fraction wall, so the children can see different fractions which are the same size.
Lesson 1 Comparing fractions
Work through this video and pause when prompted to work through the examples.
Complete the activity Comparing Fractions on Seesaw.
Lesson 2 Fraction of a set of objects1
Listen to this video and pause where necessary.
Complete the activity Fractions of a Set of Objects 1 on Seesaw.
Lesson 3 Fractions of a Set of Objects 2
Listen to this video and pause where necessary
Complete the activity Fractions of a Set of Objects 2 on Seesaw.
Lesson 4 Fractions of a Set of Objects 3
This is a problem-solving lesson using fractions of a set of objects
Extension Work
NOTE FOR MATHS VIDEOS: Can we please ask where possible that you sit with your child when listening to the videos to ensure they understand and pause when necessary to complete the tasks otherwise there is a risk that the child goes through the video without really understanding it. At school, we always have group input with lots of questions to check for understanding before completing their work. This again can need some adult support, depending on the task and the individual.
Myth and Legends
This week you will be writing your own Roman Myth.
Lesson 1 Roman Gods and Goddesses.
Also read the final page about the gods.
Now get more familiar with the Romans Gods and Goddesses by completing the Roman Gods activity on Seesaw. The links to help you are included on the activity. Have fun with the Roman Gods Wordsearch activity, also on Seesaw.
Lesson 2 Planning a Roman Myth
[Before starting your Roman Myth planning, if you didn't manage to do it last week, you may also want to look at last Friday's lesson and read A Wild Goose Chase as another Roman Myth example.]
Today you are going to plan your own Roman Myth and write it in stages in the following days.
with which you are all familiar, and read through the notes to remind you of how we can break down a story into sections. This is the model we are going to use.
Remember that we are writing in the style of a Roman Myth.
Planning Sheet to help you write down ideas in rough, structure your thoughts and jot down exciting words and phrases. This is a tool to help you plan and is not part of your final writing.
Spend the your time today working out your story and noting down ideas and exciting words on your planning sheet. (Write in notes not complete sentences). Each day, you will be using your planning sheet to help you write up a different part of the story.
Lesson 3 Writing the Beginning
Today you are going to start writing your story. Make sure you are writing in pencil on a lined page (such as in your Home Learning book). Your first section should introduce your setting and your characters with lots of description of each, to start telling the beginning of your story and then the build up (from the Story Mountain model). Try to use lots of exciting adjectives and adverbs, and keep reading through your work to make sure your punctuation is correct. Read it out loud to help with this. Your aim is to write at least half a page and make the reader want to read more to find out what happens!
Here are some resources to help you
You don't need to include everything listed in these description helpers but it gives you a list to consider. Remember that you are always trying to create a picture in your reader's head.
Don't upload your story to Seesaw at this stage - wait until the end of Lesson 5.
Lesson 4
Your objective today is to write the main part of your story. Before you begin, read through your writing from yesterday. Does it make sense? Did you include lot of exciting adjectives and adverbs? Make any corrections you need to before carrying on. Remember to check back to your planning sheet to help you write the next section.
In this section, add at least one piece of direct speech and try to use the punctuation correctly. Think about how your Roman God would be acting from what you've learned. Also try to use different ways of starting your sentences as well as carrying on with exciting words. Think about what verbs you are using. (Remember there is always a better word than "went"!) Aim to write at least another half a page.
Lesson 5
You are ready to finish your story! Again, read through your story so far and make any corrections or additions. After all this work, make sure you make your ending work by thinking carefully about what happens, whether it's funny, sad, happy or whatever ending you choose. Is it giving a message to the reader about the right or wrong choices to make? Have the characters learned anything?
Continue to try to add strong adjectives and adverbs to keep the interest in your story. Aim to write at least another half a page. When you have finished, read your story out loud to an adult from the beginning to check that the punctuation works and that it all makes sense. Well done on writing your very own Roman Myth! Add a picture if you would like to.
Finally, upload your story to Seesaw.
Animals Including Humans
National Curriculum Objectives
· identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
· identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
Now you have learnt about the nutrients we get from our diet, it is important to eat the correct amount of each food group on a daily basis.
This week you are going to draw a healthy eating pyramid showing the 5 food groups and how many portions to eat each day.
You can draw your own examples of food from each category.
Make it as colourful as you can.
Use this as a comparison to what you should be eating. There is space to both write and draw your food intake. For this, fruit and vegetables and carbohydrates are the bottom level, protein and dairy are the middle level and sugar and fats are at the top, as they should be consumed in the smallest amounts.
Do you think you have a balanced diet? Is there anything you could do to change your diet?
The Romans:
Expanding the Empire
Then complete the Roman Towns activity on Seesaw which includes an extension option.
Look for "A Day in the Lockdown Life of...." activity on Seesaw.
Practise your pronunciation a few times so that you get used to saying the words.
Use the words you've learnt to join in with the first verse of the Meet and Greet song - we will be adding to your vocabulary over the coming weeks.
Lessons for Week Beginning 11.01.2021
Lesson 1: Subtracting fractions with the same denominator
Work through Lesson 14 on Oak Academy then complete the worksheet "Subtracting Fractions" on Seesaw.
Lesson 2: Fractions on a number line
A number line is a straight, horizontal line with number placed at even points along the length. It's not a ruler so the measured space between each number doesn't matter, but the numbers included on the line determine how it's meant to be used. Number lines are used at school to help a child's understanding of a range of Maths topics.
then complete the worksheet "Fractions on a number line" on Seesaw.
Lesson 3: Tenths
Lesson 4: Counting in Tenths
then complete the worksheet "Counting in Tenths" on Seesaw.
Extension Work: Tenths and Fractions
Here is some extension practise on tenths and fractions. This is optional if you wish to push yourself further.
OPTIONAL LESSON: Tenths as Decimals
This is an optional lesson for Year 3. Please only complete this lesson if your child is completely secure on Lessons 3 and 4 this week. It will also be taught in Year 4.
then complete the worksheet Tenths as Decimals on Seesaw.
NOTE FOR MATHS VIDEOS: Can we please ask where possible that you sit with your child when listening to the videos to ensure they understand and pause when necessary to complete the tasks otherwise there is a risk that the child goes through the video without really understanding it. At school, we always have group input with lots of questions to check for understanding before completing their work. This again can need some adult support, depending on the task and the individual.
Myth and Legends
Lesson 1: Romulus and Remus
Do you recognise some of the features of a Myth we discussed last week? Now watch the same story, a different version on video.
Think about what is the same in both stories. Then think about what is different. Write down the title Romulus and Remus and underline it. Then write down five sentences describing parts of the story that are the same and five sentences describing five elements of the story that are different. Remember to write in sentences, using capital letters and full stops.
Extension: Which parts of the story do you know are untrue? How do you know? Write an extra paragraph describing what you think.
Lesson 2: Create your own creature!
Create a mythical creature of your own!
Remember that an extended noun phrase is a noun with one or more adjectives (describing words).
Lesson 3: Beginning direct speech
but this one includes pictures with speech. As you go through the story, notice which words are in the speech bubbles - the words that are actually said. If we write speech without using pictures and speech bubbles, these are the same words that go inside the speechmarks.
Now go to page 20 of the story. Look at the picture. Think of some words to describe the brothers' speech when they are arguing What verbs could replace "said" (for example "moaned").
With an adult helper, pretend that you are Romulus and Remus arguing about where to build their new city.
as speech bubbles first then as punctuated dialogue. The second page gives you examples of what to do.
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
We are going to look at little more closely at Roman Myths and importance of Gods in myths and everyday life in Ancient Rome. Gods appear in different myths, interacting with each other and often with humans, sometimes in disguise. They have different personalities, areas of power and a particular role to play e.g. Mercury is the messenger.
Read the story of A Wild Goose Chase.
Although it has a few tricky words in it, we use this story because it clearly shows how the Gods interact with the humans in Roman Myths. At school, we would normally stop and explain the story as we go along. You do not need to do the activities described at the end. Spend time discussing the story - how hospitality is so important to the Romans. Make sure your child realises that the gods are in disguise at the beginning. What do you think of Philemon's reward request? Discuss the ending.
Animals Including Humans
National Curriculum Objectives
· identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
· identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
1) Look through the food diary you completed last week or discuss your last meal together.
- Which parts do you think were healthy and why?
- Which are not so healthy and why not?
and carry out the instructions (in red), As you go through, bear in mind that we need foods from all 5 groups to keep healthy.
The Romans
We have a great recorded webinar for you to watch featuring Centurion Agrippa from Historic Workshops.
PLEASE NOTE: This video is only available until 3pm on the 15th January so don't miss it!
When you have watched the video, please write down some of the things you have learned. Write in sentences and remember to use cursive.
In RE this term, we are looking at Miracles that happen in the Bible.
Look on Seesaw for this week's activity!
Art and DT (Opt)
To tie in with our Science topic, make a picture from fruit and vegetables. Here is some inspiration!
Don't forget to upload your picture to Seesaw - we'll include it on the Year 3 Blog.
Lessons for Week Beginning 05.01.2021
Lesson 1: Money Assessment
National Curriculum objective: Pupils continue to become fluent in recognising the value of coins, by adding and subtracting amounts, including mixed units, and giving change using manageable amounts. They record £ and p separately. The decimal recording of money is introduced formally in year 4.
Following on from Christmas homework and work last term, there is normally a short assessment on money to check understanding. Please look on Seesaw if you have not completed the homework yet or need some further practice.
You will find a worksheet on Seesaw for this assessment. Complete any further practise at home if needed.
Lesson 2: Revision of Angles
National Curriculum objectives: recognise angles as a property of shape or a description of a turn, identify right angles, recognise that 2 right angles make a half-turn, 3 make three-quarters of a turn and 4 a complete turn; identify whether angles are greater than or less than a right angle
Work through the lesson on Revising Angles from Oak Academy. You can do the introductory quiz as part of the lesson or press Next to go straight to the lesson. This lesson builds on work completed last term. If you get stuck on anything, work through the relevant lesson on the Angles section on Oak Academy.
Then practise quarter, half and three quarter turns with an adult. Stand up and face your adult. Ask them to give you one of the three instructions e.g "Show me a quarter turn". Keep practising until you get them correct. (You could play Simon Says to make it even more fun!)
NOTE FOR MATHS VIDEOS: As we start home learning can we please ask where possible that you sit with your child when listening to the videos to ensure they understand and pause when necessary to complete the tasks. At school we always have group input with lots of questions to check for understanding before completing their work. This again can need some adult support, depending on the task and the individual.
New Topic for Spring Term: Fractions
In Year 2 fractions were taught online during the first lockdown. Before accessing the first 2 lessons please make sure your child understands and recognises the following:
The concept of a whole as being one object or one quantity eg 1 pizza.
To be able to make and recognise equal and unequal parts. They should do this using both real life objects and pictorial representations of a variety of shapes and quantities. Fractions are always equal parts.
To recognise 1/4, 1/2 and 1/3.
The equivalence of 1/2 and 2/4.
If your child needs more practise on any of these areas, please work through the appropriate lesson on the Oak Academy Fractions page for Year 2
Fractions Lesson 1: Recognise and describe unit fractions
You will need a pencil and your home learning book to join in with the lessons.
Follow the Oak Academy Video Recognise, identify and describe unit fractions.
Note: The following terminology is used:
- Numerator – always 1 in a unit fraction and tells us how many equal parts of the whole we have
- Denominator – the number of equal parts the whole is divided into
- Vinculum – the line in the middle of the fraction.
Once you have watched the lesson there is a further worksheet on Seesaw. You can either complete Lesson 1A only, which is unit fractions or Lesson 1B, which is unit and non-unit fractions depending on your confidence.
Fractions Lesson 2: Adding Fractions with the same denominator
Follow the video Adding fractions with the same denominator on Oak National Academy
Once you have watched the lesson there is a further worksheet on Seesaw called Fraction Lesson 2.
Lesson 1: Reading Comprehension
Read The Romans text and answer the questions. Although there is a 1 star version, I think everyone should be attempting the 2 star or 3 star version of the text with corresponding questions and answers. The text gets more difficult depending on the star (3 star is the most difficult). Answers are provided.
Please make sure you have completed the homework on "What the Romans brought to Britain" - more details on Seesaw.
Lesson 2: Grammar
We are going to learn about the different types of sentences.
Myth and Legends (main Literacy topic for this term)
Lesson 3: Introduction - Myths
First of all, do you know anything about myths or legends. What do you think they might be?
to find out what a Myth is. Discuss each point as they come up. Can you think of any examples of Myths?
Now we have 3 examples of myths:
3) Mayan Creation Myth (Mayans were an ancient South American people)
You can read/watch one or more of them but eventually, you need choose one and reread the story a number of times so that you are very familiar with it. Your task is then to retell the story to another person from memory, telling the story the way it would have been told and passed on through generations of families.
Lesson 4: Introduction - Legends
First, as a recap from yesterday,
and complete in your Home Learning book. Include as much information as you can.
Today we will learn about Legends and how they are different from Myths. [Note that we are talking about types of stories when we use the word "legend" rather than the word meaning a great person, although that word came from the characters in the stories!]
Work through slides 5-7, discussing the points as you go before completing slide 8 in your Home Learning Book.
Finally, watch the story of George and the Dragon.
Think about how the details of the story are different in this version to the one you watched.
Animals Including Humans
National Curriculum Objectives
· identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat
· identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.
To kick off this term's topic, we are looking at diet and what we get from our food.
For a three day period, write down everything you eat, including snacks and drinks. If you want to, you can add pictures of the food you have eaten. We will refer to this in a future lesson so it's important that you complete this activity.
Remember to upload work onto Seesaw
Term 2 2020-2021
Column Addition and Subtraction
First of all as a reminder, work through the lessons on Column Addition (3-digit numbers) from Oak Academy as you need to:
1) Adding without exchange/regrouping (optional, if needed)
2) Adding with 1 exchange/regrouping
3) Adding with multiple exchanges/regrouping
Then begin learning the new process of Column Subtraction (3-digit numbers) by working through the following lessons:
1) Subtracting without regrouping
2) Subtracting: regrouping tens to ones
3) Subtracting: regrouping hundreds to tens
4) Subtracting: regrouping multiple columns
If you get to the stage where you are comfortable with both column addition and subtraction of any 3-digit numbers, then look at the lesson on Addition and Subtraction word problems.
Angles and Shape
In addition, we are also looking at angles with 2-D shapes this term. Please work through the lessons on
1) Identifying and recognising angles
2) Identifying angles within 2-D shapes
Information Text
You should have collected a large amount of information on an animal of your choice over half-term. You will now need this to create a piece of non-fiction writing called an Information Text.
Lesson 1: Planning your Information Text
Look at all the features and how the information is split up into sections.
2) You are going to use a spider diagram to help you create your Information Text
Here is a blank template of a spider diagram to help you or you can draw your own on a blank piece of paper.
Write the name of your animal in the centre.
Lesson 2: Writing your plan
Carefully read through all the information you have on your animal. How are you going to split up your information into separate sections? You need at least 3 sections with a few sentences in each. Think about what you interesting fact could be at the end. What drawing or diagram will you include?
When you have decided, add a subtitle to each of the circles on the spider diagram, depending on how many sections you are going to include (apart from the main title in the centre), and add at least 3 sentences to each circle to including the facts you have from your research. Refer back to the Power point for how to do this and the checklist.
Lesson 3: Planning part 2
Underneath the spider diagram, write down an interesting fact if you are including one. Also practise any drawings or diagrams that you are going to include. Now go back over your research and check whether you have included everything you want to. Finally (IMPORTANT), check very carefully through your planning for errors in punctuation, spelling or sense. Read it through slowly and make any changes you need to.
Lesson 4: Final version
On lined paper, write up your Information Text in the correct format starting with a Main title in the centre and subtitles (or subheadings) on the left with all your final sentences. Include your interesting fact/diagram. Refer back to the Power Point if you need to. Upload your finished work to Seesaw.
Further Lessons
Lesson 5: Grammar
Follow the "Being" Verbs lesson on Oak Academy.
Work through the following lessons to begin our new Science topic for this term.
Lesson 1: What are Forces?
This lesson explains what forces are and introduces both contact and non-contact forces
Lesson 2: What are Contact Forces?
This lesson includes air and water resistance as well as balanced and unbalanced forces. It also investigates friction.
1) Where is it?
Using an atlas or Google Earth online, find India and work out what continent it is in. Look at the size of the country compared to the UK. If you are using Google Earth, also look for Chembakolli, an India village we will be studying.
2) Basic facts about India
Ancient Egyptians
Produce a fact file or power point on an Egyptian God of your choice.
1) Go online and research information on your chosen subject. Here are some examples of Egyptian Gods.
Complete your fact file - remember to lay it out clearly and correctly. Include as much information as you can.
Term 1 2020 - 2021
Place Value
Please work through the place value lessons on Oak Academy. They can be found here.
In addition, we are also looking at shape this term. Please work through the lesson on Recap of 2D shapes
Traditional Tales (Work through these activities in order)
This term, we are working with traditional tales so that you are already familiar with the stories.
and try remind yourself of the story by reading a book and watching one or both of the links provided. (Remember that there are lots of different versions of traditional tales)
Lesson 1: Retelling the story and describing a character
1) When you think you know the story, carefully retell the whole story out loud to an adult in your own words, remembering as many details as you can. Try to use expression as you are telling your story.
2) Pick one of the characters and draw them in the middle of a spider diagram with your drawing in the middle. (If you can't remember, here is an example of a spider diagram). Write as many adjectives (describing words) as you can to describe your character around the outside. Think about appearance as well as personality.
Lesson 2: Simple Sentences and verbs
Follow the Explore Simple Sentences Lesson on Oak Academy to work on simple sentences and verbs.
Lesson 3: Writing a diary entry
Pretend you are a character from the traditional tale you have picked.
Now you are going to write a diary entry as one of those characters and tell your story. As a reminder, here is an example of a diary entry and here is a slide reminding you of what to remember when you are writing. Adverbs of time tell us when something happens. Here are some examples you could choose to include.
Lesson 4: Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs
1) On a piece of paper, draw 3 headings: Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs. Choose at least 5 words from your story to go under each correct heading. Look carefully at the adjectives and verbs. Could you have chosen more exciting words? For example, enormous rather than big or sprinted rather than ran.
2) Follow the "Being" Verbs lesson on Oak Academy.
Further lessons
Choose a different traditional tale and repeat the related activities above, this time with your new story.
Rocks and Soil
Lesson 1: The Three types of Rock
Rocks all fall into one of three categories depending on how they were formed. For more information watch the short video on each type: Igneous, Sedimentary, Metamorphic Now read through this presentation. From the information you've learned, produce a poster showing the three different types of rock. Use pictures and give examples. Remember to make your poster eye catching!
Lesson 2: How do we use different types of Rock?
Ancient Egyptians
Lesson 1: Produce a fact file on either Tutankhamun or an Egyptian God of your choice.
1) Go online and research information on your chosen subject. (We study both in class). Here are some examples of Egyptian Gods.
2) Watch this video on how to write a fact file or work through this presentation. Complete your fact file - remember to lay it out clearly and correctly.
Lesson 2: Heiroglyphics - the Egyptian form of writing.
1) Find out about Heiroglyphics from this website. Also read about the Rosetta Stone on the same site.
2) Using this power point to help you write your own name using heiroglyphics. Slide 6 gives you the symbols you need. Try writing other members of your family's names or even your pet's!