Uniform Information
Our uniform is stocked by Goyals 28 Bridge Street, Maidenhead SL6 8BJ
You can buy your uniform in store, or online by clicking this link.
Generic items such as grey skirts and trousers or blouses and shirts are widely available at supermarkets and high street stores.
Please ensure that all items of clothing, bags, plimsolls etc. are clearly named.
Pre-loved second-hand uniform available all year round in the school reception for a small donation. We cannot however guarantee what sizes will be available.
Winter Uniform
- Shirt, white, long/short sleeved with school tie.
- Navy blue jumper or cardigan with school logo
- Plain, tailored grey trousers or shorts (no leggings or tracksuit bottoms) with grey socks
- Pinafore dress or skirt, grey with tights, grey or navy blue or white or grey knee length socks
- Shoes, black in a simple design, low healed
Summer Uniform
- Pale Blue polo shirt with school logo (or as winter uniform if too cold)
- Navy blue jumper or cardigan with school logo
- Plain, tailored grey trousers or shorts (no leggings or tracksuit bottoms) with grey socks
- Navy blue gingham summer dress with socks, white, ankle or knee length (or as winter uniform if too cold)
- Shoes, black in a simple design, low heeled
During the summer months, if the weather is too cold, then pupils may wear full winter uniform.
- Navy blue shorts or skorts (no additional logos, lettering or football shorts)
- White Polo shirt with school logo
- Plimsolls black (recommended Velcro fastening) or trainers – must be white, black or navy
- Socks – white
- Plain navy blue tracksuit bottoms or leggings (no additional logos or lettering please)
COATS (Optional)
- Navy blue waterproof, fleece lined with school logo
- Navy blue/hair coloured elastic hairbands or alice bands. All shoulder length hair should be tied back.
Book Bags can be purchased from Goyals and we also hold a limited stock in school
Please ensure all clothing and shoes are clearly marked with the name of your child. Thank you.
If ear-rings have to be worn, i.e. they cannot be removed at a particular moment in time, they must be small, plain studs. If the ear-rings have to be worn as per above, then they will be covered with a plaster during any PE, Games or Dance sessions. If ear-rings can be removed, then they should be removed before school and replaced when the children come home.
Necklaces and bracelets should not be worn at school, unless they have a particular religious significance. There is obviously a Health and Safety implication to children wearing jewellery at school and we ask you to follow these guidelines for the safety of your children.