Home Learning due to Lockdown
We have compiled a timetable to guide you through the next stage of our home learning. There are supporting links to help you and your child with some of the key ideas. Remember to do as much as you are able and work at a pace that suits your family life at this time. We have also put the worksheets onto Seesaw so that you can share your work with us after it is completed if you wish, however we do not want you to feel guilty or anxious if you are not able to do this - our priority is for you and your family to stay safe and keep well.
Mrs Hawkes, Mrs Branch and Mrs Burgess.
Week 2 Term 4 week beginning 1st March 2021
Georgians Maths
This week, we are starting to use our knowledge of times tables to calculate division. You will see that the more you have practised your times tables, the easier this work becomes. Do feel free to use your times table support sheet if you need it and you may find a number line helpful as is used in the first help video: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/week-11-number-multiplication-division/
This video should help you recognise how we link our time tables work from last term with the division work for this term.
Then complete p.121 and p.122 of our maths books.

Victorians Maths
Today we are beginning to look at symmetry.
please draw and cut out the shapes when you are asked to and fold them to find the lines of symmetry as this is a good way of learning. You will have to be particularly careful when you are drawing and cutting out a square and a rhombus as all the sides need to be of equal length if you are to find all the lines of symmetry.
Georgians Maths
Continue practising division but this time using 3 digit numbers.
Then complete p.123 and p.124 of our maths books.

Victorians Maths
You can always cut out shapes and fold them to find lines of symmetry. Then complete p134 p135 p136 and p137.
Georgians Maths
oday we are going to have a look at how to cope with remainders in division. This Youtube video gives a lovely clear explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1vyeGt4Ngg
There are also some clear questions to take you through the method until you feel confident on the Division with remainders support powerpoint.
Then complete p.125 and p.126 of our maths books.

Victorians Maths
You will need to count the squares carefully as shown on the PowerPoint. Then complete p138 p139 and p140.
Georgians Maths
Rounding Decimals
Today we will use all that we have learnt about decimals to look at rounding decimals. This skill is useful when we are looking at measuring and weighing.
A number greater than (and including) .5 is rounded up to the next whole number and anything smaller than .5 is rounded down.
≈ means approximately equal to, or almost equal to. So:
2.2cm ≈ 2cm
2.8cm ≈ 3cm
Victorians Maths
particularly when there is a diagonal line of symmetry. But if you need to, you can always cut out a square, paint the shape on it and then fold the square to see where the symmetrical image lies and what it looks like. Then complete p141 and p142 using paint if this helps.
Georgians Maths
Rounding Decimals
Victorians Maths
Today we are drawing symmetrical figures.
and then you can check your answers on the next slide on the PowerPoint. Then complete p143 and p144.
Georgians Maths
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Victorian Maths
Challenge questions.
- Is this statement always true, sometimes true or never true? Explain why you think this. "A four sided shape has four lines of symmetry."
- Now try this "always, sometimes, never" challenge from the nrich site.https://nrich.maths.org/12673
This week is World Book Day and so all our tasks are going to be based around this theme!
or a notepad to note down the next piece of information that you have to look for as you read through. The link that accompanies q.3, if you want to use it, is this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9h1ST98-iM
Have a think before tomorrow’s lesson about a book that you have read which you particularly enjoyed. It needs to be a story book. If you have been listening at story time zoom, you might like to choose Kensuke’s Kingdom or Brain Freeze. You may like to choose a Roald Dahl story that you read in Year 3. Your next few tasks will be based on this book and you are welcome to share your favourite piece of work in school next week if you would like to (this is optional).
Choose a scene out of your favourite book that contains the most action! Use it to create a comic strip to reflect just that one part of the book you chose to do your World Book Day tasks about this week. Don’t try to fit the whole story in, just the most exciting part.
You don’t need to write much (mainly drawing) although you may want to add one line of text in each box. Use the shapes on the second page to add speech bubbles and sound effects. You may like to draw or trace these if you want to use one more than once.
Choose a character from your chosen book to complete today’s task. It doesn’t have to be the main character, it could be just one that you find particularly interesting/funny/evil/mischievous.
Note that you may want to dress up as your chosen character and take a picture!
Today, we have a few tasks that you may like to try.
Then you might like to
The Bayeux Tapestry gives an account of the Norman invasion of England and the Battle of Hastings at the end of the Anglo Saxon period. The battle happened in 1066. At the time the tapestry was created, very few people could read. Books were rare, as each one had to be written by hand. A tapestry told the story in a way that everyone could understand.
Use the website http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/bt/index.htm to find the answers.
You will need to use the blue arrows at the bottom of the page to move through the pages.
As it is World Book Day this week have a go at these activities
The Bayeux Tapestry
The description underneath each image is written using wonderful, descriptive language.
Insert the words in green below each description to help make sense of the text.
Last week we found out about the effect of acid on our teeth when we left an egg in a glass of vinegar; the eggshell represented the enamel on our teeth and the vinegar was the acid.
If you did not do last week’s investigation or watch the video, I have put the link on the PowerPoint again; please watch it to see what happened before you do this week’s investigation.
Today we are going to look at whether we can protect our teeth by using a fluoride toothpaste. You will need some fluoride toothpaste, clear vinegar and two eggs. Follow the instructions on the PowerPoint. You are going to coat one egg in toothpaste and then leave that egg and an uncovered egg in vinegar to see what happens. I have put pictures of what happened when I did it at the end of the PowerPoint in case you don’t do it yourself, but it is fun to do. It does take several hours; mine took around fifteen. When you have finished
This week, we will be learning about how Christians might celebrate Easter.
Week 1 Term 4 week beginning 22nd February 2021
Georgians Maths
Today, we will be continuing with our multiplication and looking at using the methods we learnt last term with some bigger numbers!
We will be partitioning numbers with three digits in order to multiply them.
Watch this White Rose Video that takes you through the methods we are using. When the link opens up, scroll down to the second row of boxes and click on ‘multiplying 3 digits by 1 digit’: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-4/spring-week-2-number-multiplication-division/
and then complete p.115 and p.116 of our workbooks.

Victorians Maths
For the next two weeks, we are going to go through a unit on geometry. You do not need a protractor for this. As long as you know the shape of a right angle (like the corner of a piece of printer paper) and know that an acute angle is smaller than a right angle whereas an obtuse angle is bigger than a right angle, that will be enough for you to access the work. However, if you do have one, you may enjoy learning to measure the angles with it.
Familiarise yourself with the size and shape of a right angle; write down the names of the different angles and draw pictures of them to help you remember which is which.
Then complete p121 and p122 and Maths 2 Monday Acute and Obtuse Angles.
Georgians Maths
then try p.117 and p.118 of our workbooks.

We are continuing to partition numbers in order to multiply each part separately. Then add to get our final answer.
Victorians Maths
Georgians Maths
then try p.117 and p.118 of our workbooks.

We are continuing to partition numbers in order to multiply each part separately. Then add to get our final answer.
Victorians Maths
Then complete p 123, p124 and p125 and Maths 4 Tuesday Compare and Order Angles.
Georgians Maths
then try p.119 and p.120 of our workbooks.

We are continuing to partition numbers in order to multiply each part separately. Then add to get our final answer. We are happy for your child to use a particular method that they feel suits them for any of the questions. Hopefully they’ve had a go at them all over the last few weeks and may feel that they are more confident with one method in particular.
Victorians Maths
Then complete p126, 127 and 128.
Georgians Maths
Decimal Number Patterns
Today we will remind ourselves of what we looked at last half term by looking at number patterns and sequences using decimals. Use what you already know on tenths and hundredths to help you. Look carefully to see if the numbers in the sequences are getting bigger or smaller:
1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
2.84 2.83 2.82 2.81 2.80 2.79
Victorians Maths
and sticking them down on a piece of paper so that the correct description and picture are next to each name.
Georgians Maths
Decimals on a Number Line Practice
You’ve worked really hard on decimals, so today’s work is a little extra practice and just reminding ourselves of what we’ve learned already.
Victorians Maths
Today we are moving onto quadrilaterals, four sided polygons.
then move the PowerPoint on to check your answers. Then complete p129, p130, p131 and p132.
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Victorians Maths
Then you might like to do this matchsticks challenge. https://nrich.maths.org/10
For times table practice, have another at the Mathsframe times table check: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check
Did you beat your previous score?
We are going to revise some of the important learning that we covered earlier in the year and that we must take with us as we move forward in our learning. The first theme is going to be writing dialogue. You will need this in a task this week and in the coming weeks as we look further at story writing.
Here’s a little reminder to help you: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zvftsbk
Can you find a good example of dialogue in one of your story books at home?
Watch this clip to recap what we were thinking about yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-YFmLctwDY
Use your editing skills to ensure that it is set out correctly and with the correct punctuation. You may like to do this with an editing pen on the document first before writing it out, Think really carefully about layout and when a new character has started to speak!
Listen to ‘The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing’: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks1--ks2-aesops-fables-the-wolf-in-sheeps-clothing/zh8kgwx. Now write a well punctuated and carefully set out conversation between the wolf and the sheep. Imagine that you have two sheep (as in the radio version) discussing how large one particular sheep is and how weirdly he smells. Then perhaps the wolf, disguised as a sheep, convincing them to come near him so he can gobble them up!
You may like to do this in rough first!
Look at the image of the wolf from this week’s fable, in the same powerpoint, and use carefully chosen adjectives to describe him. Think about the example on the first slide – sometimes it’s easier to write a good description if you describe the character as they are doing something eg. chasing the sheep or planning how he will get close to them.
Take some time this week to read through the Powerpoint ‘Anglo Saxon Village Life’ so that you are prepared for your History lesson on Anglo Saxon Settlements.
This week we will be looking at Prefixes.
The activities below will help you to practise your spelling of different prefixes this week.
The Anglo-Saxons preferred to live very differently to the Romans who had established large towns in Britain during their rule. Places like London and Cirencester, which were thriving centres under the Romans became much smaller and quieter during the Anglo-Saxon times, and some towns were completely abandoned and the buildings were left to go to ruin.
The Anglo-Saxons chose to live in small villages instead, which were often set up by clearing away a part of a forest. The Anglo-Saxons lived in family houses which were built around a central hall where the village chief lived.
Design your own village
- You should try to include as many features as you can to make sure your village is busy and thriving!
- You will also need to include labels to annotate all the features of your village.
- You can either draw your village or make it 3D. There are some ideas on the Powerpoint. You can draw or print out the images that I’ve put together for you in the Village Resources on Seesaw (the same ones are on the links below too). Your village can be any size you want.
Use these resources to help you, if you wish:
This term we have a new topic and we are starting with a look at teeth, which are part of the digestive system.
click on the link https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z27kng8/articles/zsp76yc that takes you to a BBC Bitesize video about different types of teeth and their functions. Learn about teeth as you go through the PowerPoint,
Then move onto slide 10 and follow the link to the BBC video https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/teeth/zr8ygwx. This video explores the teeth that various animals have that suit their diet. As the PowerPoint explains, there is an investigation towards the end of the video that you may like to do at home, which investigates the effect of different liquids on the outer surface of teeth, using eggshells in place of teeth. Carry out the investigation. Leave it for three days, then find out what has happened
Today we are returning to a Christian themed topic. We will be looking at the festival of Easter and important moments in the story.
Listen to the presentation about The Last Supper which is remembered on Maundy Thursday (one day before Good Friday).
After watching the second clip on the second slide, answer the questions.
Then finish by looking through the images of what Easter means to people around the world.
Week 6 week beginning 8th February 2021
Georgians Maths
This week, we will be refreshing our skills with column subtraction and then looking at how we can multiply multiples of 100 (as we did with multiples of 10) Work through this BBC Bitesize page to remind you what we did last week. The quiz that is at the top of the page is probably best saved until last. Watch the film then read through the column subtraction method lower down – try these out with pencil and paper. Then do the quiz:
Did you have a go at the Guardians: Defenders of Mathematica game? If you did, you could let me know who your character is and how many shields you’ve won! I really enjoyed playing this game!
Remember to clearly show your carried tens.
There is a challenge sheet below if you are feeling confident.
Victorians Maths
We are continuing with fractions and beginning this week with hundredths, when a whole is split into one hundred equal parts.
Georgians Maths
Today we are going to be learning how to multiply three numbers in a row. The trick to this is to remember that you can swap the order of the numbers. You may want to start with the two biggest numbers. OR even better… look out for two numbers that equal a multiple of 10 and do them first!

There is a challenge sheet below if you are feeling confident.
Victorians Maths
Write the mixed numbers on slide 4 down on a piece of paper before you move the slide on to check your answer.
The questions on the second page are harder so only do them if you want a challenge!
Georgians Maths
Today we are going to apply our times tables to multiplying multiples of 100.
Then complete p.113 and p.114. Remember the first page, want you to show your multiplication as repeated addition and then write your final answer.

Victorians Maths
Count up in fractions along the number lines on
and see if you can work out what the missing numbers are.
Georgians Maths
Today we are looking again at writing tenths and hundredths as a decimal.
One whole divided into 10 equal parts is one tenth. We write one tenth as 0.1
One whole divided into 100 equal parts is one hundredth. We write one hundredth as 0.01
Victorians Maths
Today we are moving onto equivalent fractions which are fractions that are written in different ways but which still have the same value.
there are instructions for making a small fraction wall on squared paper. You can print of a sheet of squared paper
Use this to answer the questions on slide 9 of the PowerPoint.
Georgians Maths
Today we will continue to compare and order decimals. As well as looking at the tenths and the hundredths we need to remember to also look at the tens and the ones too!
To put these numbers (32.54 23.45 24.35 32.45) in order it would look like this:
23.45 24.35 32.45 32.54
Victorians Maths
Today we are going to look at fractions that are equivalent to thirds.
then answer the questions on slide 7; you can write your answers
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Georgians Maths
At the end of this sheet, see if you can apply your skills to 3 digit numbers also.
Which numbers are missing from the robots?
The trick with this sheet is to clearly show your carried tens as you work through the problems. Sometimes it helps to check what your tens column will make first.
Victorians Maths
Mental Maths Practice
Choose activities from the activities on the Mental Maths Train on https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/mental-maths-train
You can choose from multiplication and division, as well as addition and subtraction. Select the skills that you feel you need to work on.
Play the interactive Matching Fractions game on https://nrich.maths.org/8283
It is a memory game that teaches you different ways of showing the same fraction.
This week, we are starting to look at fables. There are some really beautiful retellings of these stories with morals to be found, read by some very famous voices, on the BBC Radio. I think it would be of real benefit for all the children to listen to one or two of these each day to get a real feel for how a moral is structured, the types of characters it often involves and the lessons that they teach. The following link will help you access these: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/school-radio/english-ks1--ks2-aesops-fables-index/z73s6v4
For our first task, we are going to focus on the tale of The Lion and the Mouse. Another BBC project has reproduced these tales using animation and use of more traditional language. The children may find it harder to understand the wording but will hopefully be able to follow with the combined use of the animation. You may like to watch the whole clip, particularly of you are interested in animation. However, if you wanted to just watch the story, it is found between 4mins 30sec and 20 mins.
You can also find the story on the first link along with a transcript to read if you find the language tricky in this version.
Today, we are going to look at some connecting words again.
Notice that the part of the sentence that has been glued on with the connective can be wheeled to the front of the sentence!
Let’s see which connectives can help us link ideas and move the story on smoothly in The Lion and the Mouse by completing the Connectives Challenge 2.
Another skill that we use when writing stories/fables are describing words… adjectives.
You may also want to remember your magpie skills and steal some of the lovely adjectives from these games for your own work!! Tomorrow we will be planning a fable so you could keep this work handy or copy the list of words somewhere safe!
We are going to design our own fable.
Note the morals on slide 2 – can you think of a story idea that would match one of these??
Today, we are going to write a fable. You can use the plan that you filled in yesterday and you may like to work with
in front of you so that you can link your ideas smoothly.
Use your plan to make paragraphs and remember to describe your characters in appearance and facial expressions as you go through your story.
Make sure you only use a couple of lines of speech so you don’t get bogged down with the tricky punctuation and lose your lovely description.
I have put the final 2 pages of the book onto Seesaw, or you can read them below
However, this week we are going back in the story to the ritual of Arthur and the sword, in the stone circle. There are some comprehension questions relating to that part of the story (the text is scanned below the questions to help you) and there is some information and questions on Stonehenge which is a famous stone circle in Wiltshire, England.
This week we will be looking at the ‘sion’ sound. Pick from the activities below to help you practise your spellings this week.
The Anglo Saxon Chronicle is a collection of written records which tell us about the history of the Anglo Saxons. Listen to this BBC clip for more information.
The books were written and decorated by hand, usually by priests and monks. They were seen as very precious works of art, and you had to be very skilled to produce them. The manuscripts were called ‘illuminated’ because the letters and pictures were often decorated with gold and silver leaf.
An illuminated letter was usually the first letter of a page or paragraph. It was enlarged and in colour, with gold or silver added in areas, while the rest of the text was in black. Images of people, animals, plants or mythological creatures were sometimes added to enhance the letter.
Design your own illuminated letter, or create a page from the Anglo Saxon Chronicle.
Today you are going to use your knowledge and understanding of sound, including pitch and loudness, to design and create your own musical instrument!
Watch the video using the link on slide 2 to see the variety of sounds you can get from musical instruments that are made from junk, and then have a think about what you would like to make yourself from things around your house that your parents are happy for you to use. If you are struggling to come up with an idea, I have put a simple suggestion on slide 4. We would love to hear a recording of you playing your instrument on Seesaw!
This week, we are going to learn two more of Buddha’s stories; one we will read and one we will watch.
Watch Buddha and the Mustard Seed and think about the lesson that it teaches us: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dS433t0yI6E
You may like to watch it through a couple of times and think about how we view tough times – whether we feel sorry for ourselves or whether we look to remember what other people are experiencing.
Choose one of the four stories we have looked at to write about in our ‘Reflections about Buddhists Stories’ sheet. Aim for two clear sentences in the final box.
Week 5 week beginning 1st February 2021
Georgians Maths
Today we are looking at using our times tables with multiples of 10.
(Basically numbers with one or more zeros on the end.)
Watch this video to learn more about how we are going to use our tables today:
and listen to the tips you need for the work today.
Complete p.107 and p.108

Victorians Maths
Today we are going to start the topic of fractions. We will go slowly and build up to the Year 4 work. We are starting with a gentle reminder of what a fraction is.
Each time you reach a question on the PowerPoint that is on the worksheet, answer it on the worksheet, then move the PowerPoint on to see if you were correct. Then complete the paper folding exercise on the final slide.
We are going to look at strategies for multiplying larger numbers now. Some of the strategies may really suit you but some you may find harder to get along with. Don’t worry if you find some don’t suit you! Watch the following video which talks you through the step up to building on what we know already:
Don’t be put off by the fancy names for the methods!
and listen to the tips you need for the work today.
Complete p.109 and p.110.

Victorians Maths
Each time you reach a question on the PowerPoint that is on the worksheet, answer it on the worksheet and then move the PowerPoint on to see if you were correct.
Georgians Maths
Today we are going to partition numbers (split the tens and ones) to multiply. This will use the thinking from Monday where we had to work with multiples of 10.
Watch these examples (If you scroll down past the two written examples you can watch the video): https://www.mathswithmum.com/multiplication-by-partitioning/
and listen to the tips you need for the work today.
Complete p.111 and p.112.

Victorians Maths
there is nothing to write down today but make sure you go through it carefully; it will help you with one of the questions on the worksheet.
Georgians Maths
Today we are going to look at writing tenths.
A tenth is 1 whole divided into 10 equal parts
We read 0.1 as one tenth. The dot is the decimal point.
then complete these 2 sheets from our Singapore Maths Books
Victorians Maths
Georgians Maths
Today we are looking at writing hundredths.
A hundredth is 1 whole divided into 100 equal parts.
We read 0.01 as one hundredth.
then complete these 2 sheets from our Singapore Maths Books
Victorians Maths
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Georgians Maths
Victorians Maths
Times tables.
If you are ready, do the Maths frame times table test
answering 25 questions with 6 seconds for each and see how high a score you can get.
If you are not ready for this, adjust it to give yourself more time, or to focus on particular times tables.
Fractions challenge.
Have a go at Fractional Triangles.
This week, we will be using our letter writing skills again and we will also be thinking about using conjunctions to join our ideas in interesting sentences. You can learn more about these by watching the clips and completing the exercises at:
I must warn you that you may want to stop Laura Bubble before she’s finished if she’s driving you mad with her song!! However, if you need to give yourself a stretch, you could join in with her dance!
Our letter this week is going to be less formal but it will hopefully give you a good opportunity to reflect on your life in lockdown compared to other children around the world.
Watch the first three video diaries featured on this link: https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/kids-video-diaries-about-life-during-covid-19
Their situations are all very different and I’m sure you can see Muna, in particular, has to cope with coronavirus in addition to having lost her home! It can make you think about all that you are able to enjoy even though we are in lockdown.
Yesterday, on our BBC site, we learnt about conjunctions that join two ideas. Today we are going to look at subordinating conjunctions that do the same job but notice that the part that joins on does not make sense on its own! Look out for the main part of the sentence that would make sense on its own and the subordinating part of the sentence, that has been joined on with the conjunction, but doesn’t make sense on its own!
Watch the BBC clip and choose whether you fancy seeing more of Laura Bubble or not! https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z6kj2sg
a little tip for finding which sentence uses despite: Despite is followed by a verb that ends in –ing. For example, ‘Despite watching television for two hours, I decided to watch another film!’
Today we are going to plan a letter to one of the children who we looked at on Monday.
This activity made me think about the children in Makwati who are also in lockdown. None of those children have computers and many do not live near their school so they are unable to continue their learning at the moment.
and then edit your planning sheet to make sure you have covered everything in your checklist before you complete your neat copy.
Write or type your final edited copy of your letter.
Underline your 4 conjunctions and your 2 fronted adverbials.
There were many famous Anglo-Saxon kings, but the most famous of all was Alfred. He was called 'Alfred the Great'.
His father was king of Wessex, but by the end of Alfred's reign his coins referred to him as 'King of the English'.
Use any of the following websites to write down 10 facts as to why you think he was called ‘great’. Do you think he deserved the title?
This week we will be looking at the ‘sc’ sound. It makes a hard sound in words such as ‘escape’ and a soft sound in words such as ‘science’.
Have a go at some of these activities to practise your spelling of ‘sc’ words.
For our History this week we will create some portraits of Anglo Saxon warriors. We will look at the artwork of an artist called Julian Opie and draw our Anglo Saxons in the same style.
have some “true or false” questions, recapping some of the things we have learnt about sound. See how you get on with these. Then read about soundproofing from slide 14 onwards. You will need a box with something inside that makes a noise, such as an alarm clock. You need to choose some different materials to investigate which absorbs the sound most effectively. There is a list of materials that you may wish to use on slide 17 but you can choose different ones. You are then going cover the box with a single layer of each of these materials to see which is the most effective at soundproofing.
Today, we are going to hear some of the stories that Buddha told people. Each of his tales had a purpose which was to help people reflect on their behaviour towards others.
You may need to watch each story more than once to remember all the details and think about the meaning properly. You can pause the stories to read the words on the screen at your own pace.
Answer the questions about each story.
Week 4 Week beginning 25th January
Georgians Maths
We will then go over the key ideas that we’ve looked at in the last few weeks relating to our times tables.
Then use slide 3 to help you complete p. 96 and p.97 of our study books.

Victorians Maths
We are carrying on with short division.
which go over last week’s work. Then have a go at the problem on slide 7; the answers are on slides 8 and 9 but have a really good go at working them out yourselves before you look. This will help you do the second worksheet. When you are ready, do Maths 2 Monday p127 and p128.
Georgians Maths
Our key ideas today are further times table practice and looking at how when you multiply by one, the answer stays the same and when multiplying by 0, the answer is always 0.
Now think about the inverse with division. So 12 ÷ 1 means how many 1s in 12… of course there are 12 ones in 12!
And 4 ÷ 4 means how many 4s in 4… of course there is only one 4 in 4!
Victorians Maths
We are moving onto word problems with division today.
which asks you to watch this video of the Chuckle Brothers. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zdpfgk7
Work through the problems before you click on the answers. Make sure each time that you understand what to do with the remainder.
If you are feeling very confident, have a go at some of the problems in the challenge section below.
Georgians Maths
Measuring Volume
Today we will look at writing millilitres as a decimal.
If 1 litre = 1000ml, then
0.1 litre = 100ml
0.2 litre = 200ml
0.3 litre = 300ml and so on.
We’ll also look at estimating volume today. Look through the cupboards at home and estimate the capacity of any bottles or jars that you find. Write down your guess in ml or l and then write down how much each container actually holds. Calculate the difference.
Victorians Maths
Today’s work reviews the multiplication and division that we have done recently.
Georgians Maths
Note how multiplication is the same as repeated addition.
The pages in the our study book today want us to either show a multiplication in pictures or in times tables facts or in repeated addition.
Why not practise your times tables using this game: https://www.mathsisfun.com/numbers/fix-equation.html
You can chose your range of times tables and set your time.
There are loads of helpful tips for learning your times tables on this page: https://www.mathsisfun.com/tables.html
Victorians Maths
Georgians Maths
Measuring Volume
The answers are on the slides too so that you can check your own understanding.
Here are the last 2 pages from our Singapore Maths Books on this topic:
p.75 and p.76

Page 76 is tricky. To help you, change all the volumes into millilitres. Remember 1000ml = 1 litre
- Bucket holds 3l 45ml = 3045ml
- Container holds 3405ml
- Trough holds 3450ml
Victorians Maths
To complete this unit on division, try Topmarks Hit the Button division facts on the link below. You can choose to do this on particular times tables or “mixed” which covers all of them. If you are doing really well on “hit the answer”, go onto “hit the question” which is harder to do quickly.
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Georgians Maths
Victorians Maths
Times tables
Topmarks Coconut Multiples
If you enjoy these and would like more (even harder), let me know and I’ll send them to you.
We are going to be having some fun with some fairy tale characters this week. We are also going to have a look at how to write a letter.
Look carefully at the example on slide 2 and answer the questions on slide 1.
Then fill in the chart like on slide 2 which you may want to draw out in your book, using a ruler, of course.
Answer the questions on the second slide then start to plan some ideas about what your fairy tale baddie has been doing to upset their neighbours!!! Perhaps the bad wolf has been trying to blow your house down or climbing on people’s roofs and knocking on their windows! Perhaps there is a witch who lives down your road who’s always putting spells on people, offering people poisoned apples to eat and jumping through red traffic lights on her broom! Perhaps the ugly sisters are gossiping about everyone and being mean!
This week we will continue reading ‘Arthur Warrior Chief’ by Mick Gower to compliment the work we are doing in History on the Anglo Saxons.
You do not need to read the whole book to complete the English lessons (but it would be great if you did!), as we will be looking at a few pages together which focus on the Anglo Saxons.
Today we will be looking at the battle between the Saxons and the Britons. I have copied it underneath the questions so you won’t need to keep flicking back and forth to find it on the scanned pages.
Once you have read the page please answer these questions:
Today, we are going to plan a letter complaining about out baddie.
- Which character might you write as? You could be the gingerbread man, Little Red Riding Hood, Prince Charming, Cinderella, Hansel or Gretel, the local woodcutter or one of the three pigs??
- Think about all the naughty things that you wrote down yesterday. Who could your character be writing to? Perhaps you’re writing to the mayor or the king/queen.
- Be inventive with your ideas. Could you make up a suitable address for your characters. You might need a grown up to help you with the layout of an address: person’s name, house number and road name, town, postcode.
Today we are going to write up our letter in our best handwriting. You may like to mark out faintly with a pencil and ruler where you want ot write the addresses and the dates so that you place them in the correct position on your page.
Remember that if you can’t tick a box, edit your work to improve it.
This week we will look again at ‘ous’. Remember that adding ‘ous’ has three rules:
1) If the root word doesn't change, just add 'ous' - e.g danger ----> dangerous
2) If the word ends in 'e', drop the e and add 'ous' - e.g. fame ----> famous
3) If the word ends in 'y' change it to an 'i' and add 'ous' - e.g. vary ----> various
Here is a BBC video to help you https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zqqsw6f/articles/zqcpv9q
Here are three activities for you to do. You do not need to do them all – just pick the ones that you fancy!
This week we are looking at how the Anglo Saxons used to write using runes. Before the Anglo Saxons became Christians they wrote using runes. Runes were carved letters made out of straight lines (this made it easier to carve) They were carved onto materials like stone.
Have a look at this website www.abdn.ac.uk/sll/disciplines/english/beowulf/rune.htm
Type Anglo Saxon runes for kids into the Google search bar and look for the website. If you can’t find it,
String Telephone.
Today we are learning about how sounds travel over distance.
The first activity explores how sound changes over distance using an alarm clock or something else in your home that makes a noise. The second activity is to make a string telephone to help you hear someone who is standing some distance away from you. The string does need to be tight for this to work. Have fun! There are then some questions about how it works; you will need to fill in the gaps on slide 12. The answers are on slide 13.
Last term, we started to look at the Eightfold Path – the rules that Buddhists use to guide them in life.
– either on the sheet if you would like to print it or just draw a chart with a ruler in your book. You can then choose to design a Buddhist garden and/or colour a mandala.
Week 3 Week beginning 18th January 2021
Georgians Maths
This week we are looking at times tables in division again. Here is a really clear video lesson with some methods that you might like to use: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvQtf-MEWiM
We are going to start by thinking about our times tables to fill in the grid on slide 1.
Then we are going to look at numbers that give a remainder when we divide.
to count up to see how many of a certain number fit in to a larger number. For example, take the number 11. When you count up in 5s, you can fit two 5s in. They don’t fit exactly. There is one left over – this is called the remainder.
Again try the second and third slide using objects such as lego bricks or pencils to physically divide the number up if it helps.
Then complete p.80, p.81 and p.82

Victorians Maths
Make sure you understand the work we did on division with remainders last week before you start this work.
We are going to learn how to do short division.
do the calculations yourself on a piece of paper to help you follow the method.
The calculation on slide 2 is straight forward as both the tens number and ones number are in the two times table.
The calculations on slide 3 and onwards are trickier because the digits in the tens column do not divide exactly by the divisor. Follow the instructions on the slide very carefully until you understand what to do.
Work through the rest of the examples carefully and keep checking your work. Go through the examples as many times as you need to until you understand how to do these.
Georgians Maths
We are going to be using our times tables to solve worded problems for the next two sessions.
I always say that the key to these questions is to give your brain to digest the information so we must read the question once, then again, then again… then again if necessary. Sometimes by reading through slowly more than once, our brains start organising the numbers and have time to think before we start our working out!
Then complete p.83 and p. 84.

Take note of the advice in red. If you want to fill in the boxes, then you can but completing working out in any space and in the way that makes sense to you works just as well!
The key is to complete a multiplication to find a total of objects then a division to put the objects in a new group size!
Victorians Maths
Today we will go over the same as we did yesterday to make sure you are confident
Do as it tells you to when is asks you to work out the answer yourself before seeing how to work it out on the next slide.
Georgians Maths
We will start today by revising our 6x table – we must keep going with these.
Remember that it is perfectly normal to need to read through the question several times. We don’t have many questions today so you can take thinking time!
Now complete p.87, p.88 and p.89. There is plenty of space to do your working out.

Victorians Maths
We are still doing short division of 2 digit numbers but now, some if the answers will have a remainder.
have a go at the division calculations and then check your answers and study the method on the following slides.
If you want more practice, role a dice twice to get a 2 digit number, and once more to get a 1 digit number to divide into it.
Georgians Maths
Measuring Volume
Today we are learning how to read millilitres and litres.
When trying to work out how much liquid is in a container you need to look carefully at the increments. These are the little lines on the side of the jug or cylinder.
When you have looked through the Powerpoint complete these two worksheets:
Extension sheet if you fancy a challenge today:
Victorians Maths
Today we are moving onto short division of 3 digit numbers. The method is the same, just with an extra digit. Begin studying the method in
When you think you know what to do, see if you can work out the answers before you click on them; then click on the rest of the method to check your work. Go through the PowerPoint as many times as you need, then when you are ready, try
Georgians Maths
Measuring Volume
To recap what we looked at yesterday complete the worksheets below so that you feel more confident with looking at different increments.
Only pick the level you feel comfortable with:
Victorians Maths
Today we will go over the same as we did yesterday to make sure you are confident.
Do as it tells you to when is asks you to work out the answer yourself before seeing how to work it out on the next slide.
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Georgians Maths
Victorians Maths
Multiplication practice
See how quickly you can find the square numbers on Topmarks Hit the Button.
A square number is the result when a number is multiplied by itself, for example 9 (3x3).
Nrich Factor Lines
Use the interactive grid on the website because then it shows you when you have got a line (as long as you tick the “show lines” box). All you need to do then is write down a list of the 4 numbers in each line, then make another line. A multiple is a number in a given times table (8 is a multiple of 2) and a factor will divide into a given number (2 is a factor of 8).
This week we are going to study and write our own shape poems, which have similes and alliteration in.
Can you find any similes and alliteration in the volcano poem? Watch https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zmmpscw to remind yourself about similes and metaphors and work through the activities. Can you think of some similes that would describe a mug of delicious hot chocolate?
Can you think of some alliteration that would describe the mug of delicious hot chocolate? Your words do not have to start with the same letters as “hot” and “chocolate”; you could perhaps have “wonderful and warming”.
Yesterday you thought of some descriptions for a mug of hot chocolate.
there are some descriptions for a mug of hot chocolate that are in the wrong order. Before you move the slide on, can you write them in the correct order on the
You have created your first shape poem! Carry on through the PowerPoint. Now we are going to write a snowman shape poem. Brainstorm some words to describe your snowman, jot down some alliteration and similes and then put them all together to create a short snowman poem in rough. Keep your work for tomorrow.
If you did not complete your snowman poem in rough yesterday, finish it today. If you finished it, have a look at the shape poems on the Monday and Tuesday PowerPoints and notice how good some of their word choices are. For instance, they described the snowfall as “silvery, small and sudden”. Read your rough poem through. What can you improve? Can you use more powerful descriptions? Did you use a good simile? Did you have alliteration?
in your very neatest handwriting. It is quite a short piece of writing so you should be able to make it look really special. Make sure that you begin each sentence with a capital letter. You may choose to decorate the rest of the piece of paper so that it looks amazing.
This week we will start reading ‘Arthur Warrior Chief’ by Mick Gower to compliment the work we are doing in History on the Anglo Saxons. I have scanned the book and
You do not need to read the whole book to complete the English lessons (but it would be great if you did!), as we will be looking at a few pages together which focus on the Anglo Saxons. We will be looking at this book until half term so there is no rush to read it all at once!
Today we will be looking at the ninth scanned page (I have copied it underneath the questions so you won’t need to keep flicking back and forth to find it)
Once you have read the page please answer these questions:
Choose one of these 8 templates for your next shape poem. Or if you would prefer to write about something else with a winter theme, you may draw your own template. First plan your poem. Take as much care over this poem as you did over the snowman one. Spend time thinking of appropriate adjectives and write down several to choose from. Note down similes and alliteration before you start. When you have completed your plan, copy your poem in your neatest handwriting onto the template that you chose. Decorate the page so that it looks fabulous.
Compare this poem with your snowman poem. Which one do you think is better?
This week we will look at adding ‘ous’ as a suffix to root words.
– you will need to look at it in ‘Slide Show’ mode to be able to play the skittles game.
Here are three activities for you to do. You do not need to do them all – just pick the ones that you fancy!
Many of the names of towns and villages in Britain come from the Anglo-Saxons. Have you ever noticed that many place names share some similarities?
and then use the website http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/saxons/placenames.htm to answer the questions on the sheet
Today we are going to learn about the pitch of sound, how high or low a note is.
I particularly like the clip where the girl cuts the end off the straw that the boy is blowing and makes the pitch higher. If you have any instruments in your house, have a look at them to see how to make high and low notes; if the instrument belongs to someone else, make sure that you ask them to do this task with you.
If you have any drinking straws, see if you can make panpipes (at the end of the PowerPoint) with different length straws. It may take a while to cut the end of the straw so that you get a sound, but it is worth persevering.
Alternatively, watch this clip
which shows you how to make an elastic band guitar. As well as an elastic band, you will need a ruler or something similar.
Today we will be investigating changes that happen around us. We will be looking at the news and starting to think about the teachings of Buddha.
Can you see your ideas from last week on the first slide?
Week 2 Week beginning 11th January 2021
Georgians Maths
This week we are thinking more about multiplication and division relate to each other. Here is an example to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xj-Ip4HkJPo
Today, we are revising the 7x table and looking at how we use our times tables to calculate division. We are asking how many groups of 7 we can make out of a larger number.
and try the activities.
Complete p.71 and p.72 and p.73 of our workbook.
Victorians Maths
This week we are going to start learning to divide two and three digit numbers.
to help you if you do not yet know your times tables up to 12x12, but you will find the work much easier if you do know your tables, so please keep working on these as much as you can.
shows you two different methods of dividing two digit numbers. Make sure you follow the step by step instructions on the two examples on slides 6 and 7 as you will be using this method throughout this week. When you think you know what to do, try the questions on slide 8. The answers will come up at the end of the slide. If you get them wrong, go back to slide 6 and try again. When you get them correct, move onto the Monday worksheets on p121 and p122.
Georgians Maths
Today we are looking at the 9 times table. Watch this Video to remind yourselves of the hand trick: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEIeFV4oMp4
Now write the nine times table out – observe how you can write it quickly up to 10 x 9 by just starting at 0 and adding 1 to write the tens column. Then start at 9 and subtract 1 for the ones column eg.
- 9
- 8
- 7
- 6
Victorians Maths
uses exactly the same method as yesterday, just with 3 digit instead of 2 digit numbers. Make sure that you can follow the step by step instructions on slide 4. See if you can answer the questions on slides 5 and 6; the answers are at the bottom of the slide. If not, go back to slide 4 and have another go. When you can do them, move onto the Tuesday worksheets on p123 and 124.
Georgians Maths
Today we are looking at the 11 and 12 times table.
Last week, we wrote out the 12 times table. Ca you remember the patterns we spotted? How much did the tens and the ones go up by each time when they are written in a column?
Many children say they know the 11x table but make big mistakes when it comes to 11 x 11 and 11 x 12. Remember that 11 x 12 is also 12 x 11 so we have already learnt it in our 12x table. Can you find 11 x 11 by thinking about the answer to 10 x 11 and then adding another 11?
Complete p.77 and p.78 and p.79 of our workbook.
Victorians Maths
Before we move onto harder division calculations, I want to make sure that everyone can work out division where there is a remainder (some left over) as we will need this skill for the harder short division problems.
which explains how to do this. Then do the activity on slide 6 with objects that you have around the house, so that you develop a good understanding of what a remainder is. Keep the sheet that you write the calculations on; you will need it tomorrow.
Georgians Maths
Today we are starting to look at Measuring Volume and we will remind ourselves that:
1000ml = 1 litre
The answers are on the slides too so that you can check your own understanding.
Here are the first 2 pages from our Singapore Maths Books on this topic:

Victorians Maths
If you need to, go through yesterday’s PowerPoint again and have another look at the work you did sharing objects into groups.
On a fresh sheet of paper, write out the calculations that you did yesterday, but do not write the answers down, so for instance, just write down
and so on.
Now see if you can work out the answers using times tables. If you need to, use the times table support sheet in the way shown on slides 4 and 5 of Wednesday’s PowerPoint. Every so often, check your answers against the answers that you had yesterday. If they are different, see if you can work out what you are doing wrong. If you can’t work out what the problem is, ask me for help.
Georgians Maths
Today we will use what we have learnt yesterday to answer the questions on our Singapore Maths Book pages p.73 and p.74.

Victorians Maths
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Georgians Maths
Victorians Maths
Times Table Practice.
Times tables up to 12x12. When you have become proficient at “Hit the answer”, try “Hit the Question”.
Challenge: If you would like to do this.
Multiplication Squares.
If you manage this, let me know how you worked it out!
Creative Writing
Monday: Watch the video lesson on Similes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRgkCqkTHik
Tuesday: 1) Complete the Similes quiz in this lesson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bK7Z9hFsju4
– you could write them in your exercise book or cut them out and stick them together. You can even open the powerpoint and move the words in to the correct squares.
3) Try to use some similes to write a poem about yourself, a family member or a pet. Aim for 4-6 lines.
Think about 6 words to describe that person to start off with – ie busy, quick, slow, loud, lively, peaceful etc
Then use that word in a simile sentence.
Here is one about my cat, Sooty!
My cat is as jumpy as a pogo stick.
Her whiskers are as thin as a cotton thread
Her stripes are as striking as a tiger’s
She purrs as loudly as a car engine revving.
Her green eyes sparkle like stars in the night sky
And when she pounces on her toy, she moves as fast as a lightning bolt! BAM!
Notice how we use the words ‘as’ and ‘like’ to make our similes.
Today we are looking at metaphors. They create an image but without a comparison. Watch this video lesson for a further explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuf3lyZ7Td4
Today, we are going to investigate personification – when you describe something as if it is alive.
Then complete the three questions in full sentences.
There is an amazing video to watch where some older children have created art work that relates to one sentence in the poem: https://vimeo.com/55344099
Could you create a picture of one of the sentences – perhaps a shop with its mouth tight shut or the cat’s tongue that rolls out into a road? You could use string or 3D objects to stick on if you wanted.
Today, we are going to think more about how to create a pictures with the words we use.
to create a picture from words about what might be seen through a window. Use the picture in the powerpoint and your imagination to collect ideas.
Here’s a challenge for you! Can you write down all the similes and metaphors that you can hear/see in these Disney songs?
This week we will continue to look again at ‘eigh’ and ‘ei’ as they are tricky phonic blends. Here are three activities for you to do:
This week we are looking at where the Anglo Saxons fit in a timeline of historical events.
– either print the sheet, cut them out and stick them in order, or write a
list of the events in chronological order (the order in which they happened starting with the earliest.)
Just look through them to see when the Anglo Saxons fit in with other periods of time. How many years between the end of the Anglo Saxons and the start of the Georgians?
which explains how we hear sounds. Ask your family to help you find an object in your house like a biscuit tin, that you can put grains of rice on, that they are happy for you to hit both gently and then more vigorously, so that you can see the rice jump more with the stronger vibrations of the louder sound. If you have any Science books at home, see what they say about how we hear sounds.
and use them to put together a presentation about how loud and quiet sounds reach our ears. It would be lovely if you could present it on Seesaw!
This term, we are looking at how Buddha encouraged people to accept change to help themselves stay happy.
Last term, we focused on how Buddha taught us to say and think the right thing and think about other people rather than ourselves.
We will look at this idea further also.
First of all, we are going to listen to Louis Armstrong’s song ‘It’s a Wonderful World’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kza72TBf0VM
Last term, you had so many amazing questions about our topic of the Nativity story and Incarnation. I have stuck all your letters in Egbert’s diary for safekeeping. Egbert has, of course, replied and so I have attached his ideas for you here. Look out for your question!
Week 1 Week beginning 4th January 2021
Georgians Maths
This morning, we are going to be continuing to learn our times tables.
Could you write out/type up your 12 times tables and write down any patterns that you can see? Look at the tens and ones. (Keep this in a safe place to use tomorrow).
Now try to join in practising this times table using the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMbTpW-v0t4. You may like to try it a couple of times to help you become really familiar with those 12 times table numbers!
- On the second slide, question 5 reminds us that if we know 10 x 12, we can take away a 12 to find 9 x 12.
- On the second slide, question 6 reminds us that if we know 10 x 12, we can add a 12 to find 11 x 12.
- Now complete the matching pages of your workbook which is linked here: p.66 and p.67
Victorians Maths
which shows you how to split each three digit number into hundreds, tens and ones, multiply them separately by the one digit number and add them together. This is a recap of the end of last term. Do the calculations on the PowerPoint yourself and check the answers with a calculator.
This morning, we are going to revise our 12 times table and see if we can notice which numbers are in both the 12 times table and six times table. Can you think why they share a lot of numbers??
Can you write out your 6x table and see if you can notice any patterns? Now use it to practise with the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2JdnZbB2dg
Have you still got your twelve times table from yesterday?
Victorians Maths
In addition to the method we looked at yesterday, it shows you how to do short multiplication. Some of you will understand this and find it a quicker method. Do not worry if you find this too hard; you can carry on using yesterday’s method.
Maths Challenges this week if your child is feeling confident!!
Georgians Maths
You could play this division game with a family member or by yourself – see how quickly you can answer all the questions! If you are playing with someone else, you will need a dice. If you have printed it out, you could make counters out of paper with your initials on.
Victorians Maths
Times Table Practice
Hit the button.
Flashing Lights.
Creative Writing –
Key learning points:
Noun – person, place or object – eg garage Simon, sofa, leopard
Verb – action or doing word – eg trudged, is/was/were, dozes, chuckled
Adjective – describing word – eg monstrous, vivd, delightful, familiar
Adverb – describes a verb. How/where/the possibility of an action – eg anxiously, menacingly, early, soon, nervously
and complete the warm up activities in your workbook, on a Word document or on Seesaw.
Then produce a final copy and illustrate your poem.
Eigh and ei sound
Who Were the Anglo Saxons?
Use the website http://primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/saxons to answer the questions on the worksheet
Carry out the investigation with rice on a drum skin using something like a biscuit tin in place of a drum skin. If you have a musical instrument, see if you can work out what is vibrating to create the sound. Explore different objects in your house and work out what is vibrating. It might be the air or the floor for example, or if you extend your investigation to look at pets and people, it may be vocal chords.