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Clewer Green C of E First School

Inspiring Children

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Monday 24th June - Inset Day

Welcome toClewer Green C of E First School

Welcome to Clewer Green. It is a very exciting time in the school’s long and interesting history. We are aiming to create a learning environment that allows all children to fulfil their potential, whatever that potential may be.

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  • 17th


    Year 4 Pilgrimage

    Reverend Rosie took the Year 4s on a Pilgrimage this week. The main focus was creation and we had a wonderful time looking around the allotments! We were able to try some of the produce, including gooseberries, which for some children was the first time they had tasted them.

  • 17th


    Year 3 Trip

    Year 3 consolidated their learning on the lifecycle of plants, from germination through to seed dispersal. They planted their own seeds, classified different trees and dressed as flowers and bees to learn all about pollination. Everyone enjoyed their day in the great outdoors.

  • 17th


    Stuart Class Assembly

    Stuart’s assembly was all the best bits from Year 3, from a song about Roman numerals, kenning and cinquain poetry to Roman battle formations to name a few. We also performed Space Oddity with actions as part of our music lessons and some French greetings.

We are part of theWindsor Learning Partnership

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