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Clewer Green C of E First School

Inspiring Children

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Welcome back to our all families and Happy New Year

Welcome toClewer Green C of E First School

Welcome to Clewer Green.

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  • 17th


    Norman Class party

    Norman Class had their tea party this afternoon which was one of the prizes from the Golden Tickets organised by The Friends. Thank you to Mrs Pal for organising the food.

  • 17th


    Badminton Festival

    On Thursday afternoon, some children from Year 3 took part in a badminton festival run by Windsor Schools Sports Partnership at Windsor Leisure Centre. They enjoyed playing a variety of badminton-based activities, using the opportunity to practise some of the skills they learnt in their PE lessons during the first term. 

  • 17th


    School Council

    School Council met again on Thursday and decided what they would like to do this year. They felt that the willow dragon needs a revamp and worked together to make a mind map to plan what they would like to do. They are now going to talk to all their friends in their classes to decide on a sponsored activity that they can organise to raise the money.

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