Our history curriculum aims to inspire learners and bring history to life. Learners are encouraged to ask questions and become curious about the past. Through the teaching of the Primary National Curriculum, learners will be equipped to ask perceptive questions, think critically, weigh evidence and sift arguments as well as develop perspectives and judgements about the past. Learners will immerse themselves into a range of historical periods (British history, local history and ancient civilisations). Learners will understand how historical events have been observed and recorded from different points of view, the difficulties and triumphs of people’s daily lives and societies. They will also appreciate the impact of some of these events on our current world and their own lives. Through their learning, learners will develop a chronologically secure knowledge of the past.
The teaching of this subject will provide learners with:
- Half-termly topics which focus on the age related knowledge and skills stated in the National Curriculum (these can be found in the whole school skills progression document).
- Not all historical topics are covered in a chronological order. As a result, each topic in KS2 starts with a chronology lesson that places a topic into context with British and world history.
- Opportunities to understand the methods of historical enquiry, such as primary and secondary sources. These may include: texts, models, maps and photographs. These are used to make judgements about the past and pose further lines of enquiry.
- Learners will be exposed to key historical vocabulary. This is taught to the children at the start of each topic. Learners will be expected to use this language when exploring and reasoning with their historical knowledge and recording work.
- Learning environments that have an age appropriate timeline to show historical events.
- The opportunity to communicate their knowledge in a variety of ways. This may include writing and ICT to create narratives and analyses.
- Learners will engage in debates and discussions about historical concepts and use these to challenge and shape their own views about the world around them.
- Role play areas related to the current topic learning that enable all learners to access the curriculum.
At Clewer Green, the aim of our history provision will impact children in the following ways:
· Learners will demonstrate a curiosity and desire to learn more about the past.
· Learners will demonstrate knowledge of chronology and events locally, nationally and around the wider world.
· Learners will have built knowledge of local history from earliest times to current day and understand what we are famous for. They will know and understand the national history from the earliest times to the present day. They will know and understand significant aspects of history from the wider world.
· Learners will gain a historical perspective and will be able to place their growing knowledge into different contexts.
· Learners are able to competently use a range of historical sources, both primary and secondary to develop their knowledge of the past.
· Learners will have developed a historical vocabulary to allow them to speak and write about historical periods and historical concepts.
· Learners are able to record their historical learning in a variety of ways and select the most appropriate in a given circumstance.
We have identified a set of key historical concepts or ‘golden threads,’ that children will repeatedly revisit throughout their time at Clewer Green CE First School.