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Clewer Green C of E First School

Inspiring Children

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Design and Technology is an inspiring, rigorous and practical subject. At Clewer Green we aim to offer a high- quality design and technology education that makes an essential contribution to the creativity, culture wealth and well-being of our school and nation as a whole. At Clewer Green we aim high for our learners, supporting them to develop confidence, resilience and curiosity in a supportive environment.  The subject offers our learners with the opportunities to solve real life problems as they consider designing and making products for a real purpose with an audience and their needs in mind. This process will give children the confidence to take risks and become more resilient. It is important that children discover the role that design and technology has in their daily lives and the lives of others. Pupils will be given opportunities to do these things in collaboration with other pupils and to communicate their ideas in a range of ways. The curriculum will ensure that children understand where the resources they use originate from and how sustainable these resources are.


At Clewer Green, we believe that Design and Technology has an essential contribution to creativity and the culture, wealth and well-being of the school. The teaching of this subject will provide learners with:

  • Design technology projects that are linked to the topic theme each term. Some topics have a focus on famous engineers to explore the design process in greater depth.
  • Opportunities to learn about famous designers and their impact upon the world. There will be a focus on the qualities which make successful design engineers.
  • Opportunities to engage in the design, make and evaluate process. This process will be taught through a range of contexts, such as mechanical systems, electrical systems, cooking and computing. The process consists of the following aspects:

Design: The children will research and design functional, appealing products for themselves and others based on set design criteria. These designs will be communicated in a variety of ways such as annotated sketches. Their individual designs will be evaluated at various stages to ensure they are fit for purpose.

Make: the children will use a range of tools and materials to create models, prototypes before creating final products. During this process, the children will constantly evaluate their product with their design criteria in mind. With this in mind they will be encouraged to refine and make improvements.

Evaluate: the children will investigate and analyse a range of existing products to identify strengths and areas for improvement. This skill will be also applied to their own ideas and products through the process.

  • Children will be given the opportunity to learn the principles of a varied and balance diet. As they learn these principles, they will prepare and cook a variety of dishes, discussing how the ingredients are grown, caught, reared and processed.


At Clewer Green, the aim of our Design Technology provision will impact children in the following ways:

  • Learners will aim high so that they are able to develop creative, technical and practical expertise to perform everyday tasks with increasing resilience and confidence.
  • Learners will be curious about and able to increasingly participate in an ever-changing technical world.
  • As learners engage in the design and make process, they will increasingly build and apply a repertoire of knowledge understanding and skills in order to design and make high quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users.
  • Learners will grasp opportunities to discover their skills and talents in the design and make process through a range of contexts. Learners will be brave with their designs and bounce back if they do not go to plan.
  • Learners will engage with a range of ideas and products from the world around them. They will become confident to share their designs and evaluations of their own work. When evaluating the work of others they will evaluate in a supportive and respectful way.
  • Learners will have a sense of pride for the products that they have created.
  • Learners will understand the important role of Design and Technology in our nation and the wider-world and the contribution many design engineers have made throughout history.

DT in action!