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Clewer Green C of E First School

Inspiring Children

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Home Learning due to Isolation


Dear Parents,

we have compiled a guide to help you to support your child if you are absent from school due to self isolation. Below is a brief overview of the main subjects covered during each term in 2020/21 and the lessons provided by Oak Academy to support these objectives. These are not hyperlinks so please visit the Oak Academy website to access the lessons Please follow the links in this brief guide

Many thanks,

Mrs. Burgess, Mrs. Branch and Mrs. Hawkes



Ancient Greece – Myths and Legends

Complete the short writing task, including all the ideas listed in the bullet points. Write a thoughtful description using your narrator voice. Then add some dialogue using your speech marks, careful punctuation and new line, new speaker rules.


Shape, Data and Measures:  Interpreting and Presenting Data

Follow the Key Stage 2 Maths links and click on Interpreting and presenting data:

Lesson 1: Reading, interpreting and comparing pictograms

Lesson 2: Construct pictograms

Lesson 3: Read, interpret and compare bar charts

Lesson 4: Constructing bar charts

Lesson 5: Consolidation lesson: Bar chart

Lesson 6: Read and interpret time graphs

Lesson 7: Comparing time graphs

Lesson 8: Interpret time graphs

Lesson 9: Construct a time graph

Lesson 10: Consolidation lesson: Time graph



Follow the Key Stage 2 Science links and click on Year 4 – Ecosystems:

Lesson 4: How do we construct a food chain    

Use the creatures pictured on these linked food chain cards to either draw or print/cut and stick your own food chains. Your chains could involve three or four pictures. Can you label them with the star words from the Oak Academy lesson?


Lesson 5: How do we construct a food web?

Lesson 6: What can cause disruptions to food webs?




Newspaper Writing: Using fronted adverbials and time connectives. Using speech marks in quotations. Practising a clipped style of sentence to list events/facts.

Follow the Key Stage 2 English links and click on Journalistic Writing – based on traditional tales:

Lesson 1: To identify the key features of a newspaper report.

Lesson 5: To develop a rich understanding of words associated with feeling surprised.

Lesson 8: To generate formal, journalistic vocabulary.

Lesson 6: To gather information and evidence for a newspaper report.

Lesson 9: To plan the opening and chronological recount paragraph of a newspaper report.



Shape, Data and Measures:  Decimals; know what each digit stands for in numbers with 2 decimal places; decimal number bonds

Number: Practising problems involving division and learning how to write and understand fractions.

Follow the Key Stage 2 Maths links and click on Decimals:

Lesson 6: Decimal Number Bonds

Lesson 7: Mental addition and Subtraction


Follow the Key Stage 2 Maths links and click on Fractions:

Lesson 1: Recognising fractions as different representations.

Lesson 2: Calculating unit fractions of quantities.

Lesson 3: Recognising Equivalent Fractions 1.

Lesson 4: Recognising Equivalent Fractions 2.

Lesson 5: Calculating non-unit Fractions of quantities.

Lesson 6: Equivalent Fractions.

Lesson 7: Fractions and Division.

Lesson 8: Comparing Fractions.

Lesson 9: Ordering Fractions.



Digestion: Understanding how our digestive system works and how to stay healthy.

Follow the Key Stage 2 Science links and click on Human Anatomy.

Lesson 6: How do humans digest food?


If you missed doing the work on Teeth during Term 3 lockdown, you could also try lesson 4: Are all teeth the same?




Follow the Key Stage 2 links and click on Geography, then Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes:

Lesson 3: How are volcanoes made?

Lesson 5: What happens when a volcano erupts?




Narrative Verse and Formal Letters: Rhyming couplets, commas for fronted adverbials, effective vocabulary choice.

Performing poetry.

Letter of Complaint: Follow the instructions on the powerpoint to help you write a letter of complaint. You should do the first two slides as one session then work on planning a really good letter of complaint in your next session. Remember to use the checklist so you include lots of good features in your plan. Then use another session to write up a neat copy.


Narrative Verse and Rhyming Couplets: Follow the Key Stage 2 English links and click on ‘The Jabberwocky’ Narrative Writing, Lesson 1.

Enjoy reading parts of the story and exploring the unusual words!

If you would like to write a story about the Jabberwocky, you could submit that for us to read. Perhaps you would like to draw a picture of what you think the Jabberwock might look like too!



Shape, Data and measures:

Measure lengths in m, cm and mm, convert between km, m, cm and mm and make sensible estimations. Measure capacity in l and ml and make sensible estimations.


Number: Multiplication and division written methods. Using the inverse operation. Solving worded problems.

Follow the Key Stage 2 Maths links and click on

Length and Perimeter:

Lesson 1: Measuring lengths to the nearest cm and mm

Lesson 2: Measuring length and drawing lines of a given length in mixed units

Lesson 3: Making Appropriate Estimates of Length by Comparing

Lesson 4: Length and Measurement Application

Lesson 7: Measuring and comparing length in mixed units (cm and mm)

Lesson 9: Applying problem solving strategies to length


Lesson 4 Measuring Volume

Lesson 5 Measuring and comparing capacities in mixed units

Lesson 6 Estimating capacity

Multiplication and Division

Lesson 1: Multiplication and Division

Lesson 2: Representing word problems using bar models.

Lesson 9: Multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers.

Lesson 10: Multiplying 3 digit numbers by 1 digit numbers (2).

Lesson 13: Dividing mentally.

Lesson 14: Dividing using knowledge of multiples.

Lesson 15: Short Division (1)

Lesson 16: Short Division (2)



Sound: Investigating how sound travels. Recognising the difference between pitch and volume

Follow the Key Stage 2 Science links and click on


Lesson 1: What is sound?

Lesson 2: How are different sounds produced?

Lesson 3: What are pitch and frequency?

Lesson 4: What do we mean by amplitude of sound?



The Anglo Saxons

Understand that many different people have settled in Britain and have helped shape the nation.

To understand that Britain has been invaded and settled numerous times, including by the Anglo Saxons


Follow the Key Stage 3 History links and click on “How dark were the Dark Ages?” and then Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 on the Anglo Saxons.

Unfortunately, the Anglo Saxon lessons on Oak Academy are for KS3 children and they go into much greater detail than we need in Year 4. However, Lesson 2 and Lesson 3 by Mr Cooper do focus on what we are learning this term.

Lesson 2 – The Arrival of the Anglo Saxons.

Lesson 3 – Anglo-Saxon Society.

If you would like to listen to his lessons then I suggest that you watch them with an adult so you can discuss parts (and whizz forward through the bits that go into too much detail!). He does show some good pictures that are interesting too.

Separate worksheets:

  • Anglo Saxon and Scots Invaders
  • Runes




Shape, Data and measures:

Measure lengths in m, cm and mm, convert between km, m, cm and mm, measure weight in kg and g to one decimal place, convert between kg and g, ml and l and make sensible estimations.


Number: Addition and subtractiontimes tables, doubling and halving/ mental methods, multiplication – written and mental methods.


Follow the Key Stage 2 Maths links and click on

Length and Perimeter:

Lesson 1: Measuring lengths to the nearest cm and mm

Lesson 2: Measuring length and drawing lines of a given length in mixed units

Lesson 3: Making Appropriate Estimates of Length by Comparing

Lesson 4: Length and Measurement Application

Lesson 7: Measuring and comparing length in mixed units (cm and mm)

Lesson 9: Applying problem solving strategies to length


Lesson 1: Reading weighing scales with different intervals

Lesson 2: Weighing and comparing masses in mixed units

Lesson 3: Estimating masses

Lesson 4: Measuring volume

Lesson 5: Measuring and comparing capacities in mixed units

Lesson 6: Estimating capacity

Addition and Subtraction:

Lesson 1: Deriving addition and subtraction facts.

Lesson 2: Deriving addition and subtraction facts using given calculations.

Lesson 3: Choosing appropriate addition strategies.

Lesson 4: Choosing appropriate subtraction strategies.

Lesson 5: Applying and consolidating – Related number facts and appropriate strategies.

Lesson 6: Adding using the column method.

Lesson 7: Adding using the column method when multiple columns require regrouping (carrying 10).

Lesson 8: Subtracting using the column method.

Lesson 9: Subtracting using the column method when multiple columns require regrouping (carrying 10).

Lesson 10: Subtracting from multiples of 1000.

Lesson 11: Applying and consolidating – Column method for addition and subtraction.

Lesson 12: Representing one step problems.

Securing multiplication facts:

It is useful to have some hundred squares printed or downloaded for these lessons. There is one easily accessible on

Lesson 1: Multiplication patterns

Lesson 2: Investigating multiplication patterns.

Lesson 3: The nine times table.

Lesson 4: Representing the seven times table.

Lesson 5: Consolidate and review lesson.





Making circuits


Follow the Key Stage 2 Science links and click on

Electrical Circuits:

You may like to have two balloons and some string handy to join in the experiments during the first lesson.

Lesson 1: What is static electricity?

Lesson 2: What are the different components in an electrical circuit?

Lesson 3: What are circuit diagrams?

Lesson 4: What are insulators and conductors?

Lesson 5: What happens in a circuit when we change the components?

Lesson 6: How much do we rely on electricity?


You may like to watch this safety video:

You can play a safety with electricity game at



Features –Mountains

Follow the Key Stage 2 Geography links and click on Mountains, Volcanoes and Earthquakes.

Lesson 2: What are Fold Mountains?

Separate worksheets:

  • Mountain Map Work
  • Life on a Mountain – Kilimanjaro
  • Life on a Mountain - Matterhorn




Story Writing

Sentence punctuation, description, fronted adverbials, speech marks

ollow the Key Stage 2 English Grammar links and click on:

T2 Word Level Objectives.

Lesson 1 To explore word class

Lesson 2 To explore expanded noun phrases

Lesson 3 To explore pronouns

Lesson 4 To explore the functions of fronted adverbials

Lesson 5 To revise our knowledge of word class

T3 Punctuation Level Objectives.

Lesson 2 To explore punctuating speech first

In class, we have looked at Aaron Becker’s ‘Journey’. You can watch this with the link:

Use the story mapping sheet to plan out a story, imagining that you step through the door in to your own magical world? What exciting adventure do you encounter? How can you return home? Can you include five fronted adverbials? Can you include three lines of dialogue?



Shape, Data and measures:

Describe, name and sort 2D and 3D shapes. Describe, name and sort triangles. Recognise and compare acute and obtuse angles and angles of 90 degrees; compare and classify triangles and quadrilaterals, based on properties including types of angles. 


Number: Place value, number sequences, ordering and comparing numbers, use greater than/less than symbols, addition with partitioning, subtraction by counting on.


Follow the Key Stage 2 Maths links and click on:

Geometry Angles and Shape.

Lesson 1 To identify and recognise angles

Lesson 2 to identify angles inside 2D shapes

Lesson 3 To recognise right angles

Lesson 4 To recognise obtuse and acute angles

Lesson 11 To describe 2D shapes based on their properties

Lesson 12 To draw 2D shapes based on properties

Lesson 14 to identify and describe lines of symmetry in 2D shapes

Lesson 15 To revise shapes


Lesson 4 2D and 3D shapes: to classify triangles

Reasoning with 4 digit numbers

Lesson 1 Recognising the place value of each digit in a 4-digit number

Lesson 2 Ordering and comparing numbers beyond 1000

Lesson 3 ordering and comparing a set of numbers beyond 1000

Lesson 4 Finding 10, 100 or 1000 more than a given number

Lesson 5 Finding 10, 100 or 1000 less than a given number

Lesson 6 Rounding numbers to the nearest 10

Lesson 7 rounding numbers to the nearest 100

Lesson 8 Rounding numbers to the nearest 1000



States of Matter

Investigating solids, liquids and gases

The Water Cycle


Follow the Key Stage 2 Science links and click on:

States of Matter

Lesson 1 What are the properties of solids, liquids and gases?

Lesson 2 How do particles behave inside solids, liquids and gases?

Lesson 3 What happens when you heat or cool each state of matter?

Lesson 4 What are changes of state and why do they take place?

Lesson 5 What are melting points and boiling points?

Lesson 6 Which substances do not fit into one state of matter?



Features –Rivers, and the Water Cycle


Follow the Key Stage 2 Geography links and click on Rivers.

Lesson 1 Where are the world’s rivers?

In class we are reading the book ‘A River Ran Wild’ by Lynne Cherry.