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Clewer Green C of E First School

Inspiring Children

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The Local Governing Board

We have a Local Governing Board that comprises of 9 people and they each fulfill a different role as Governors. As a church school some of the Governors represent the Diocese of Oxford, some represent the Staff, Parents and some are appointed to represent the Harcourt Trust which has supported the school since it’s creation over 200 years ago by the Countess Harcourt. Staff and Parent Governors are elected members of the Governing Board.


In essence the Governing Board has a wide-ranging remit but its main functions are:-

  • The setting of the strategic direction of the school
  • Ensuring accountability for the educational performance of the school
  • Ensuring the best use of financial resources


Co-Chairs of Governors:

Rev Rosie Webb and Joshua Culmer
Clewer Green CE First School
Hatch Lane
01753 864544


If you would like to contact The Co-Chairs of Governors or any other Governor, please send an email via the Governance Professional –


The whole governing board meets 6 times a year.  In addition we have the following committees:

Pay Review Committee - meets twice a year.
Pay Appeals Committee - is convened when necessary


Current School Governors


NameGov Type Date of AppointmentCurrent Term of Office EndingRegister of Business InterestSubject ResponsibilitiesOther Responsibilities
John FarmeryFoundation 01/12/202431/12/2028 Yes - nothing to declareHealth & Safety GovernorHealth & Safety Governor
Rev Rosie WebbEx -Officio 03/01/2014  Yes - nothing to declareRE & Wellbeing GovernorCo-Chair of Governors, RE & Wellbeing Governor, Safer Recruitment Governor
Jane CockmanFoundation 02/06/202201/06/2026 Yes - nothing to declareSafeguarding GovernorSafeguarding Governor
Sam Collinson-JonesStaff 04/10/202303/10/2027 Yes - employee of schoolEYFS Governor 
Daniel JansenFoundation 18/01/202417/01/2028 Yes - nothing to declareFinance GovernorPP Governor
Karon BranchHead of School 01/09/2024


Yes - nothing to declareDSL 


Howard SeymourExecutive Head & Director of Primary 01/09/2024N/AYes - Governor Churchend Primary ReadingDSL 
Olivier ValleeParent 03/01/202302/01/2027Yes - nothing to declareKS1 GovernorWebsite Governor
Joshua CulmerHarcourt Trust 01/05/202430/04/2028Yes - nothing to declare Co-Chair of Governors
Georgia RussellParent 05/09/2022


Resigned Oct 2024

Yes - nothing to declareKS2 Governor/SEND GovernorVice-Chair of Governors
Howard SeymourHarcourt Trust 02/03/2021


Stepped down 16/11/2023 as is Interim Headteacher

Yes - Governor Holy Family Catholic Primary SchoolSEND Governor

Chair of Governors

Harcourt Trust/SEND Governor

Martin TinsleyHeadteacher 02/10/2008Resigned 31/08/2024Yes - nothing to declare Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead -Safeguarding and Children in Care


Head of School and Executive Head & Director of Primary, Designated Safeguarding Lead – Safeguarding and Children in Care
 Clewer Green CofE First School
Declarations of Interest
 This report contains the Declarations of Interest for:       
  - Constitution Members        
  - Other Members          
  - Historical Governors         
 Constitution Members    
Jane Cockman
foundation pcc appointed

Confirmed: 20/09/2023-----
Sam Collinson-Jones

Confirmed: 16/11/2023-----
John Farmery
foundation dbe appointed

Confirmed: 12/09/2023-----
Daniel Jansen
foundation dbe appointed

Confirmed: 14/09/2023-----
Georgia Russell

Confirmed: 26/09/2023-----
Howard Seymour
Confirmed: 02/11/2023Churchend Primary AcademyOther governance roleHeadteacher01/09/2021-
Howard Seymour
trust governor

Confirmed: 02/11/2023Holy Family Catholic Primary SchoolGovernorChair of Governors17/02/2022-
Howard Seymour
trust governor

Confirmed: 02/11/2023Clewer Green Frist School Business or finance interestsHeadteacher 1 day a week (Thursdays)02/11/2023-
Martin Tinsley

Confirmed: 03/10/2022-----
Olivier Vallee

Confirmed: 20/09/2023-----
Rosie Webb
foundation ex-officio

Confirmed: 13/09/2023-----
 Clewer Green CofE First School
Attendance 2023/2024
 Y = Attended, N = Apologies Accepted, NA = Apologies not Accepted, NS = No Apologies sent, ? = Attendance Not Marked, Blank = Not Required,
CA = Consent for absence, - = Not applicable
 GovernorGovernor Type14 Sep 202316 Nov 202318 Jan 202407 Mar 202409 May 202427 Jun 2024 
 Lucy BirdAssociate MemberYYYYYN 
 Karon BranchHead of SchoolYYYYYY 
 Mrs Jane CockmanFoundation Parochial Church Council AppointedYYYYYY 
 Mrs Lorna CoeClerkYYYYYY 
 Mrs Sam Collinson-JonesStaff governorYYYYYY 
 Mr John FarmeryFoundation Diocesan Board of Education AppointedYYYYYN 
 Mr Daniel JansenFoundation Diocesan Board of Education AppointedYNYYNSNS 
 Georgia Russell YYYNYN 
 Mr Howard SeymourHeadteacherYYYYYY 
 Mr Martin Tinsley ?????? 
 Olivier ValleeParent governorYNNYNSY 
 Revd Rosie WebbFoundation Ex-OfficioNYYYYY