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Clewer Green C of E First School

Inspiring Children

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This week Norman class have been exploring the stability and strengths of structures. We have used this knowledge to make Fudge a chair. Some of our prototypes worked and some needed alterations. Next week we will make Fudge a chair with the knowledge we have gained from making our prototypes! 

Science - which offspring look like/don't look like their adults?

Golden ticket prize - class tea party!

Thank you Kaelan for bringing in your telescope. We enjoyed looking at Chloe's planets on the other side of the room.

Space art using pastels.

Design and Technology

 Norman class have been learning about the stability and strength of structures. Ask your child what they have learnt so far! 

Inspired by the DT lesson, a few children constructed a platform made of cylinders in their golden time. It even held the weight of Mrs Redvers!

We are learning about the planets

Still image for this video

Happy Christmas!

Vikings visit the stable

Singing in the Stable

Still image for this video

Fire of London art work in Normans class.

Norman class display their DT mechancial monsters and Christmas scenes. 

Great Fire of London Workshop

We had a fantastic day travelling back to 1666. We visited the shops and businesses along the street and learned how to make candles, how to weave, how to make soap and scent parcels, how to make clay plaques, how to make ink and we even wrote to the King to ask him to do something about this raging fire. We worked as a team to look for clues in the rubble to identify the shops after the fire. It was so much fun!

Year 2 Nativity - The Fleece Force

Norman class and the Great Fire of London.

Pudding Lane is taken outside.

Fireworks Poetry

Investigating suitable materials to make a tent for our desk pets.

Goodbye lovely Vikings. Good luck in Year 3!

Painting our clay tiles

Normans science lesson in the allotment looking for minibeasts in their microhabitats and watering our sunflowers - the tallest measuring 40cm today.


Painting inspired by Van Gogh in Vikings

Normans at Buckleberry Farm

Congratulations to all pupils in Normans for their superb assembly! You should all be very PROUD of yourselves.

Life Cycles

We have been learning about the life cycles of animals, humans and plants. Today we had fluffy visitors. Nine chicks hatched in the reception class last Wednesday and it was wonderful to have them in Normans class for the afternoon.

7 day old chicks come to visit.

Happy Mothering Sunday to all the lovely people in our lives!

Dissecting seeds.

Learning about potatoes! Taste testing recipes and planting our class potatoes.

Live story and illustration demonstration by Axel Scheffler for World book day.

Sharing books with year 4 on world book day.


Celebrating world book day in Normans class.

Traditional Africa from Mrs Redvers travels. 





Alien day in Norman Class

Art - cartoon expressions.

Can you tell how our dragon is feeling?

The Great Fire of London Workshop

We had such a wonderful day roleplaying life in 1666. We visited some of the different shops to make candles, plague clay badges, leather work, our own ink to write with, soap with nice smelling herbs and some smelling bags. We caught some diseased rats, looked for French soldiers, formed water lines and tried to put out the fire. Eventually we left London for safety. Once the fire had died down we spent time looking at artefacts found in different places to help us work out what type of shop had been burnt down, we had to look for lots of clues to help us make our decisions. 


DT - Exploring stability in Vikings